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Calypso patrons show off their "rum pipes" at the semis at Victoria Park on Friday. (IWN photo)
Calypso patrons show off their “rum pipes” at the semis at Victoria Park on Friday. (IWN photo)
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Fitzroy “‪‎BrotherEbony” Joseph

Shernelle “‪‎Skarpyon” Williams

‪‎Shaunelle McKenzie

Kingsley “‪‎Hero” Roberts

Kenneth “‪‎VibratingScakes” Alleyne

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Glenroy “‪‎Sulle” Caesar

Robert “‪‎Patches” King

Wendell “‪‎Speeshie” Goodrich

Primadonna “‪‎PrimaDonna” Bascombe

Roland “‪‎ChicoB” Veira

Reigning Monarch, Zamfir “‪‎ManZangie” Adams, right, pose with calypso fan Augustus "Sappy" Evans at the semis. (IWN photo)
Reigning Monarch, Zamfir “‪‎ManZangie” Adams, right, pose with calypso fan Augustus “Sappy” Evans at the semis. (IWN photo)

One reply on “‎SVG ‪‎Calypso Monarch Finalists 2016 (VIDEOS)”

  1. TeacherFang says:

    I listened to the semi’s and while I was wondering how some of these calypsos made the big yard; yep the Kaiso art form in Vincyland is on life support, the preacher is on his way.

    Now, for me the best calypso on the night was Sulle’s upgrade and this is by no means an outstanding calypso but will suffice given the alternatives. And then Vibrating Scakes, revolution is another good performance of the night. I also like Brother Ebony song, vintage kaiso. I haven’t heard the defending champ songs, neither have I heard the second songs for any of these artistes;but I think one of those three will be contenders for his crown based solely on the strength of their first song. My money($2.00) is on Sulle.

    There are two dark horses, who could upset the night, they are skarpyon, on the simple fact he can sing…I think his song could have been stronger had he choose to be more specific and direct in addressing the issues he raised in his song; instead he punk out and just merely skirt around the issues. The other dark horse, is Hero. Hero, went all in and if Patches song was any response to Hero’s, well lets just say, Patches was taken to school. I am really surprised that Patches, with so many issues in the public sphere and he so intimately involved, couldn’t put together a real hard hitting social commentary. Ah mean this song Patches put forth is so weak in its composition, you have to wonder if all this tribal politics have dull Patches creativity. In the days of Poorsah and Black Ebou, you know ramen and boxer shorts will be a punch line in the big yard.

    Anyway, these artistes of today, singing pure cloth and can’t hold a candle to the likes of Poorsah in his prime…ah guess these artistes today really fraid…unlike Ebou back in the day.

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