ST. VINCENT:- Basketballers in Bequia last week re-elected the majority of the incumbent executive of their association to serve another two-year term, from 2010 to 2012.
Sabrina Mitchell was re-elected un-opposed as president of the Bequia Basketball Association at the gathering of 38 members of 13 teams at the island’s District Council.
Vice president Fitzgerald Sutton was also re-elected un-opposed, as well as general secretary Solana Gooding and games secretary Cornelius Farrell.
Monica Peters was re-elected unopposed as public relations officer, as well as Michael Peniston as the players’ representative. Christel Hazell and Kelan Edwards were voted in as committee members. (Go to the homepage to subscribe to I Witness-News)
The new members of the executive are treasurer Colson Peters and sssistant secretary- treasurer Keithroy Lavia.
The meeting heard the financial report for the last fiscal year and other reports on the association’s activities during the past year.
It also discussed preparations for the 12th annual championship, scheduled for July 10 to August 29.