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Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves believe he is the only person with the “global stature” to govern St. Vincent and the Grenadines now. (File photo)

ST. VINCENT: – Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves is not contemplating being voted out of office when Vincentians go to the polls on or before March 28 next year.

In fact, Gonsalves, who came to office on March 28, 2001, thinks that he is the only Vincentian with the “global stature” needed to lead St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) now.

Speaking from Cuba on WE FM’s morning show on Friday, Gonsalves said it would take a “miracle” for the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) to beat his Unity Labour Party (ULP) when Vincentians go to the polls.

“The NDP doesn’t have leadership, they don’t have quality candidates, they don’t have any programme. And, they have a lot of angry people who hanging around, and a long of people who [are] just greedy and they want to get into the State to rip it off,” he told radio announcer Ernesto Cooke.

“Now, in relation to me, I am the least important person in terms of what would happen if the ULP lose. I’m a professional,” said Gonsalves, a trained lawyer. (Go to the homepage to subscribe to I Witness-News)

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“Now, the point about it is this: What I am focusing on, I have to complete the airport — international airport. If I don’t complete it, who gonna complete it? Look, St. Vincent and the Grenadines at the moment, –and I don’t want to sound immodest here — which leader in St. Vincent and the Grenadines has the global stature to get things done for St. Vincent and the Grenadines? Which one? None [of] them! Absolutely none! And this is not something which can be made. If you don’t have it, you don’t have it,” Gonsalves said.

He said that before entering politics he had delivered lectures internationally in addition to practising law.

“As a professional and as an intellectual, I had made a mark. And the politics, my role as Prime Minster, simply added to that,” he said. (Follow I Witness-News on Facebook)

“So you are saying there is nobody else in St. Vincent who has the stature on the world stage to deal with this business except you?” Cooke asked.

“Name them for me,” Gonsalves said, adding that he is “not indispensible”.

“I am not indispensible. Because, if I die — I get very sick — somebody has to do the job. But you are dealing right now with the choices which are available. And that is the point I am making. And I don’t sound immodest about it, even though the point I am making is true,” he said.

Cooke told Gonsalves that that was not a decision for him only but for all of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to make.

“But you know it and the people know it and I say sound as though I am blowing my own trumpet. I am not doing that. I am just asking people to look at these matters,” Gonsalves said.