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curtis bowman
Curtis Bowman donated football gear to show that he is a man of action.

ST. VINCENT:- Curtis Bowman, the opposition New Democratic Party’s (NDP) candidate for Marriaqua, told constituents on Saturday, Sept. 26, that he is man of action.

To demonstrate this, the political newcomer presented a set of 16 uniforms and one goalkeeper’s outfit to the Glenside football team.

“I am not a man who is full of mouth, you know. If I say I will do something for you, I will do it for you. I will not wait until election time to come and give you two sheet[s] of galvanize and a couple piece[s] [of] lumber,” Bowman said at an NDP rally in Carriere.

Before presenting the uniforms, to the team captain, Bowman said the team was having difficulty in sourcing the gear and area representative and Minister of Education, Girlyn Miguel, had only contributed $50.

“I, Curtis Bowman, [am] committed to sports in Marriaqua. And, as a result of that, I put my money where my mouth is and I go out there. And I want to call tonight the captain of the Glenside football team, because I went out there and found an entire set of uniform for them. And I want to make a presentation here to them tonight. That is just to show you the beginning of my commitment.”

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Bowman said the team captain wanted to name the team “Curtis Bowman Glenside Ball Blazer”. (Go to the homepage to subscribe to I Witness-News)

He gave permission for the team to bear his name, adding that he was not seeking praise.

Bowman said that Miguel had failed to represent the constituency and promised “licks like peas in every polling station”.

“I want to say to the people of Marriaqua that for too long and too often I have seen men and women who have been elected … to serve the people of Marriaqua, but, my friends, instead of becoming servants, they become masters of you and me,” he said.

He told constituents that Miguel, was a good teacher, but “failed miserably” in political representation of the area, adding that they need to get rid of Miguel and the Unity Labour Party (ULP).

Bowman said while agriculture is the backbone of Marriaqua, the ULP has “killed agriculture and the banana industry”.

He said the NDP will reintroduce the credit system at the Agricultural Input Warehouse and ensure a market for agricultural produce.

Bowman, a pharmacist, said the Ministry of Health as well as the hospitals and clinics were “in shambles”, medication shortage at hospital.

“I am telling you that. I have served there as a pharmacist. I have served there as a dispenser and I know,” he said.

He said an NDP administration will upgrade the Levi Latham Health Centre in Marriaqua and ensure that a medical doctor is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. (Follow I Witness-News on Facebook)

“What sense does it make for you to have a hospital there and you can’t get the service?” he said, even as he dispelled “rumours” that he is opposed to the construction of a clinic at Evesham.

“I am a health professional. I am a medical professional and I cannot condemn a medical facility, my brothers and sisters. I am happy, I am glad for the people of Evesham and the surrounding areas that a clinic is there to service their need when the needs arise,”’ he said.

NDP will ensure clinic is properly run and has medication and doctors and nurses to serve the community and surrounding areas.

The NDP, according to Bowman, will continue the Home Help for the Elderly programme and will explore expanding it to include the disabled and mentally ill.

He also spoke of implementing HIV/AIDS programme for Marriaqua and ensuring that the Marriaqua Sports Association is supported by the government.

“The people of Marriaqua love me like syrup,” Bowman said, adding, “My friend, I love you and I will represent you and I will ensure that you eat, you drink, before me.

“What I am promising you here tonight is that Curtis Bowman in Marriaqua will give you proper representation. I will ensure that the VAT money you spend, the taxpayers of this country, I will ensure that I give you proper accountability and transparency.”

Bowman will come up against former head teacher Girlyn Miguel, who has been representing Marriaqua since 1998.