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vynntte luke
The ULP’s Luke Browne (R) wants the DPP to prosecute the NDP' Vynnette Frederick.

St. VINCENT:- Lawyers for Luke Browne, the ruling  Unity Labour Party (ULP) candidate accused of election fraud in the lead up to the Dec. 13 elections, has written to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Colin Williams, asking him to prosecute his accuser.

Vynnette Frederick the main opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) public relations officer accused Luke of wrong doing when they both appeared on a Hitz FM radio programme last week.

The ULP in a press release late Wednesday, said Browne “officially filed a complaint with the Director of Public Prosecutions over statements that he claims, ‘falsely imputed his personal character by accusing him of …several criminal offences including conspiracy and offences,’ of the Election laws.”

The press release said the firm of Williams & Williams, on Dec. 1, wrote to the DPP on Browne’s behalf, saying, “every allegation of fact relating to his personal character and conduct are totally and absolutely false.”

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The ULP said Browne’s lawyers has advised him that Frederick’s “false statements” made on Hitz FM, Hot FM, and NICE Radio, “contravened the provisions of section 51(3) of the Representation of the People Act”.

“We are respectfully requesting that the Director of Public Prosecutions give serious consideration to whether or not Miss Frederick ought to be prosecuted,” the lawyers said in their letter to the DPP, according to the ULP.

Browne will contest the East Kingstown seat, which is presently held by the Leader of the Opposition and NDP president Arnhim Eustace.

“Browne’s candidacy has sparked tremendous visible support from young constituents in stark contrast to his opponent who is seeking the Office of Prime Minister at the age of 67,” the ULP said.