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nature s fury
A section from Band of the Year -- Blondie Bird & Friends' “Nature’s Fury” (CDC photo)

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent — Blondie Bird & Friends is Band of the Year for a second consecutive time, the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC) has announced.

The band’s presentation, “Nature’s Fury”, amassed 552 points, a 19-point lead over second-place SVG Players International’s “At the Movies”.

Third-place High Voltage Mas Band’s “Emotions in Colour” received 514 points, a single point lead over Mirage Production’s “White Darkness”, which amassed two points more than fifth place Dragons’ “Journey through the Silk Road”.

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Nelson Bloc Mas Camp’s “From Our Caribbean Garden” earned the mas tent 500 points and sixth place.

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Players moved up two places since last year, when it placed forth a year after completing a beaver-trick.

The mas band and Blondie Bird reversed positions in the Best Use of Colour category of the competition, which Players won with 407 point, a six-point win over Blondie Bird.

Nelson Bloc was third, with 389 points, while Mirage was fourth with 384 points, followed by Dragons, with 377 points.

Individual of the Bands

semone richardson avalanche
Semone Richardson is Individual of the Bands. (CDC photo).

Simone Richardson of Blondie Bird, depicting “Avalanche”, got the judges nod to win the Individual of the Bands category with 543 points.

Richardson was followed by Petra Pompey of High Voltage Mas Band, whose portrayal, “Love”, received 529 points.

Dragons’ Andrew “Guys” Sutherland, who portrayed “Travel of Marco Polo”, and Jenilee Glasgow of SVG Players International, with her depiction of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, each amassed 526 points to tie for third.

Gordon Boucher of Melbourne Artisans placed fifth with “Magnificent” (510 points).

King and Queen of the Bands

Richardo Adams’ portrayal, “Eruption: Out of the Ashes”, blew away the competition in the King of the Bands Competitions.

Dragon’s Andrew “Guy” Sutherland, depicting “Travel of Marco Polo”, was second while Gordon “Taya” Boucher of Melbourne Artisans was third with “Suleiman the Magnificent”.

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In the female segment of the competition, Jenilee Glasgow captured the judges’ imagination with Players’ interpretation of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

Blondie Bird’s “Avalanche”, played by Simone Richardson, rolled into a bundle both Monica O’Garro and her Owen Ralph costume “Queen of the Circus” and High Voltage’s “Love”, portrayed by Petra Pompey. O’Garro and Pompey tied for third place.

At the time of the publication, the CDC was yet to release the Road March results.