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eustace auto supplies fire
Thick smoke rises into the sky as a fire blazes at Eustace Auto Supplies in Kingstown, Saturday (Photo courtesy Nakeisha Chance-John).

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent – The Fire Department is investigating a blaze Saturday afternoon that destroyed a truck and two containers of tyres at Eustace Auto Supplies, in Lower Bay Street, the second fire on that street this month.

The Anglican School, a house, and at least two other business places in the vicinity were also damaged in the blaze

However, Eustace Auto Supplies received the brunt of the damage.

The cause of the fire and the cost of the damage are yet to be determined.

The state-owned National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported Sunday that a French warship, in St. Vincent for a training exercise, helped local fire fighters to contain the blaze.

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Godfrey Pompey, permanent secretary in the Ministry of National Security, praised the efforts of all involved, according to the NBC.

A fire in Kingstown on April 1 damaged at least one building on Lower Bay Street.

There have been at least four fires in the capital over the past six months, including one last October that destroyed census data at the Financial Complex, which also houses the Office of the Prime Minister.

Firefighters here, for the most part, do not have sufficient equipments, including protective gear, necessary to carry out their duties.

The frequency of fires in the nation’s capital and the ability of firefighters stationed there to contain them in time might highlight a need for improvement of the department, an arm of the Police Force.

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