KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent – Opposition radio talk show host Eduardo “E.G.” Lynch’s eyesight is improving in the United States, where he is receiving treatment for diminishing vision.
Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace said Monday “the news is good” and it seems that Lynch would not need surgery but might need medication to reduce pressure in his eyes and will also need special spectacles.
“Mr Lynch himself said to me that he is seeing better since the pressure in his eyes has gone down to normal and the regime of medication he will have to take … is also being determined …” Eustace said, adding that the prognosis came after Lynch was examined by “a panel of doctors”.
He said that Lynch’s left eye was “pretty badly damaged” because of “the constant years of having elevated pressure in his eyes” and “whatever spectacles … are being designed will take that into account.
“So, I will say that is a better situation that when Mr. Lynch left here. It is going to take a little time to get those things done and he anticipates that about within a month’s time he will be able to return to St. Vincent and the Grenadines,” Eustace said.
“So, I am awaiting further developments but I must say that the news is good and I am sure that Mr. Lynch is feeling much more relieved now that he had over the last few months.
“… based on what he said with the thoroughness of the examination and the nature of the examinations he underwent, with four specialists involved, that gives me confidence that his eye problem will be much improved by the time he gets back to St. Vincent and the Grenadines.”
Lynch’s eye problem was the subject of much political debate after he announced in February that his vision was “diminishing”.
After Lynch appealed to listener to the New Democratic Party’s (NDP) “New Times” radio programme — which he hosted for 11 years — to contribute to his medical fund, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves accused the Eustace-led NDP of abandoning the talk show host.
Eustace later said that his party was making internal arrangements to help Lynch, who has had at least two slander judgements against him for statement he made on the “New Times” programme.