By Wade Kojo Williams, Sr.
Carnival is an important part of our Vincy culture. We play pan and mas and sing calypso with pride. Lately, carnival is connected to tourism. Carnival is big money and great entertainment for locals and visitors alike.
So tell me why the NDP wants to kill every good thing happening for SVG?
The Nasty Dutty Party (NDP) oppose the Education Revolution, the International Airport, the progressive Foreign Policy of the ULP and every other plan/programme of the Ralph Gonsalves government.
During the 2010 elections, the NDP promised to pass legislation to support the private sector. But today, their every action is to break the back of the private sector and chase off foreign investors in a most vulgar and undiplomatic way.
But back to Carnival and specifically to the South Leeward Carnival.
Why was the opening of a constituency put to clash with events for the South Leeward Carnival? And why did King Dotish have to lie about the facts surrounding this dotish (senseless) action of the Party Chairman, party President and South Leeward representative?
I will be surprised if a five-year old buys King Dotish’s lies, caught on tape as he addressed the so-called office opening.
Carnival has no party and its only colours are the those that we put into costumes to help create the splendour. So why then is the NDP playing politics with our carnival?
I forgive Naughty By Nature for his stupidity. I pity King Dotish a.k.a. King Liar. But how can one forgive Senator Linton Lewis, who, less than a month ago promised Vincentians that he will serve to make a difference. Where is the service to the people of SVG and where is your difference in all of this? And please, my friend, I do not want to hear “I was not aware”, “I never heard”.
This is shameful behaviour. The Chairman, the President and area representative should each immediately apologise to the people of South Leeward, the CDC and the people of SVG. A public apology should also come from the NDP.
How long oh Lord how long?
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