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Editor’s note: During the lead-up to the 2005 general elections, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves said that any persons elected on a Unity Labour Party ticket will be expected to present monthly reports on their work in their constituency. Reporters have asked Gonsalves on several occasions about these reports and he each time said that ULP area representatives were submitting them. The Ministry of Tourism this week circulated this report from Tourism Minister Cecil “Ces” McKie, Parliamentary Representative for West St. George on his work over the past 18 months. The report is published below in its entirety. (Grade Minister McKie at end of post)

McKie Reports to his Constituents 

cecil mckie1
Parliamentary Representative for West St. George, Cecil “Ces” McKie (File photo).

In keeping with his promise to the Constituents upon being chosen by the residents of the constituency of West St. George and in positive response to the urgings of the Hon. Prime Minister, the Hon. Cecil McKie, the duly elected representative of that constituency has offered his Report Card to his constituents.

In making his presentation on his stewardship over the past eighteen (18) months to a full hall in a cocktail setting at the VIP Lounge at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex, McKie explained that his Report Card will be presented in four (4) phases: the cocktail setting, town hall meetings through the six area councils, a drive through the constituency making whistle stops and the media.

The Area Representative presentation was broken down into specific segment types of delivery and covered a wide range of services.

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Working with Schools

The representative identified projects undertaken with the Belmont, Gomea, Belair, Sion Hill and Dorsetshire Hill Primary Schools and the West St. George Secondary school. These projects ranged from donations of school supplies, equipment, kitchen utensils and garbage disposal items to the contributions of sporting gear and equipment, first aid items and agricultural implements and plant material with the assistance of Vincy Cares. He also highlights his ongoing work with the annual graduation ceremony of the schools, the strengthening of the music and agricultural programmes at the West St. George Secondary School and his assistance in distributing the Government Laptop initiative of all Primary schools and forms one of the Secondary schools.

Social Programmes

dsc04755The expanded Back to School Support programme in September 2010 and 2011 came in for special mention utilizing resources from Central Government as well as the business sector. Much focus was also given to the several constituents who were beneficiaries of the Public Assistance programme as well as those who provided services under the Christmas Clean Up programme. Reference was also made to the Hurricane relief project and the ongoing Family Assistance programmes through which several residents benefitted.

 Road Repairs

Several roads throughout the constituency received attention with major works effected at Ashburton, Dorsetshire Hill, Queens Drive, Nicholls Vale and Warner Hill. Minor patching work was carried out in several areas.

Various drain repair works were also effected including at Upper Cane Hall.


The Parliamentary Representative reported that he had worked along with several constituents to obtain jobs through the Private sector and guided others on making application to the Public sector and other units of Government. He also pointed to the number of constituents who were beneficiaries on the YES programme.


Various sporting teams and organizations benefitted from the Representative assistance. Mac’s Sprott I, Mac’s Little Saints, Mac’s Young Tugs, Mac’s East Bank and Stick Up teams played in various cricket and football competitions while the Dorsetshire Hill, TOGS and ASCO Soft Ball cricket and the ASCO Netball tournament all obtained support of the Area Representative.

Table Tennis was also benefittes from the Representative’s involvement with AVESCO making a donation of a Table Tennis board and equipment to TBPO for use at the Dauphine Community Centre.

The success of the recently held KFC West St. George Primary Schools Cricket competition was also featured with all five (5) primary schools participating while the Area Representative’s intimate involvement in SVG’s PENN Relays journey was highlighted.

 Community Projects

Community projects were numerous, wide ranging and particularly impacting and included:

  • Two water pipes at Pole Yard
  • Drain at Upper Cane Hall
  • Major school repairs at Belmont Primary school
  • Clearing river leading to Great Head Bay
  • Landing the All Saints Medical College in West St. George
  • Distribution of clothing and personal items to communities (thanks to Ewan Lewis)
  • Christmas party for children
  • Packages to elderly and needy
  • Christmas Light-Up in Georgie Gutter, Arnos Vale and Dorsetshire Hill
  • Summer programme for children
  • Painting rails at Cane Hall and Arnos Vale
  • Rails at Rocky Hill
  • Street lights throughout constituency
  • Fitness and Wellness groups in Belair and Dorsetshire Hill
  • West St. George carnival
  • Placing the Garifuna Research Centre in West St. George and the brand new West St. George Secondary School.

These among several other projects.

Looking Ahead

The Parliamentary Representative indicated that although he was satisfied as much work has been accomplished, he highlighted several projects which will be given attention over the next year. Broadly put, these will include:

  • Road works in several communities with priority to the worse areas
  • Intensifying the self-help and community spiritedness approach to projects
  • Support to young sportspersons
  • Indoor sporting complex
  • Playing field adjacent to West St. George Secondary School
  • Madame Louis Playing Field project
  • Housing and home relocation project
  • Farming initiative
  • School support programmes
  • River defense
  • Activities in centers initiatives
  • Waterfall project
  • National Stadium project
  • Argyle International Airport project
  • University development and the
  • New City reality

West St. George Manifesto

These initiatives are captured/will be captured in the West St. George Manifesto, which is under review and which provides the guide for the operations in the constituency.

Hands on Deck

dsc04758The Area Representative was high in praise for the various structures put in place and the persons working these structures to ensure the successful completion of these projects. He also praised the previous representatives and in particular the most recent two Messrs Arthur Williams and Mike Browne for the foundation work laid in the constituency.

McKie pointed to the following structures that worked well:

  • The Strategic Committee
  • The Constituency Council
  • The Area Councils (6)
  • The Polling Divisions, their captains and workers (9) and
  • The West St. George Diaspora

These groupings captured many individuals directly or indirectly and allowed them to contribute to the building of their communities and constituents and by the extension SVG. These help is needed now more than ever.


The Representative also put on his Ministerial hat and stated his satisfaction with that aspect of his work as well.

  • The CT Scan machine
  • Nurses studying and placed in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago
  • Enhanced exchange programme
  • IHC project
  • Heberprot initiative
  • Wellness initiatives
  • All Saints College
  • Bequia Clinic
  • Desalination plant in Bequia
  • Record PAHO projects in 2011
  • Regional recognition for Public Health reporting and the attraction of the EU funds as success stories while he was Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment.

In his two (2) months as Minister of Tourism, Sports and Culture, he also pointed to achievements in our preparation and successful hosting of the 3 ODI’s (West Indies vs. Australia), the accolades to the Buccament Bay Resort, advances on the National Stadium project, the PENN Relays journey, work on the review of the National Cultural Policy, initiatives for Vincy Mas 2012 and another recognition for SVG as a top tourism destination as very positive developments.

He however pointed to the fact of the need for a balance to be established between Ministerial work and that of the Constituency.

Thank You

The Parliamentary Representative again expressed thanks to all who worked along and supported him in the journey over the period in review and urged everyone to lend a hand in the volumes of work which lay ahead.

He committed to report to the constituents in another twelve (12) months time.

Hon. Cecil McKie

Parliamentary Representative, West St. George