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Message from His Excellency Sir Frederick N. Ballantyne, G.C.M.G., MD, DSc; Governor-General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to mark the 33rd Anniversary of Independence

gg sir frederick ballantyne
His Excellency Sir Frederick N. Ballantyne, Governor-General of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

My fellow Vincentians, we celebrate our 33rd Anniversary of Independence at a time when the world is undergoing one of its worst economic crises.

This crisis is negatively impacting the lives of all Vincentians and we are all by now familiar of the closure of many business places and the significant increase in unemployment.

We need to be aware that any adverse effect of the economy hits mostly the poor and it behooves us all to recommit ourselves to the principles of tolerance and generosity at this crucial period of our existence.

More than ever, all of us, individuals, families and Government need to work together to fashion plans to see us through this difficult period, emphasizing always that we need to separate and work hand in hand to accomplish what we need versus what we want. It is my view that the adoption of this simple concept can go greatly towards determining our economic survival.

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As a young Nation, we have a lot to be proud of with significant gains in all indices measuring development over the past thirty-three years.

We need to constantly be reminded of those who fought for our freedom and Independence and equally to celebrate the vast number of persons who continue to strive to make sure that we protect the hard won freedom.

As we celebrate this anniversary let us take this opportunity to thank the many persons who work long and hard in the interest of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The list of these persons or groups is too long to detail, but we must never forget those in the Diaspora, Vincentians and non-Vincentians, who all love St. Vincent and the Grenadines and contribute through their organizations to foster our development.

I am honoured and proud to be a Vincentian and have faith in the goodness of all our people. It is my hope that the generosity of spirit which has guided us over the past years will become more evident as we face the years ahead.

May God continue to bless us all on Independence Day and always.

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