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World Vets
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World Vets, an international aid organisation for animals, will hold free spaying and neutering clinics on Oct. 13 at the Biabou Learning Centre, Oct. 14 – 15 in Owia at Sheep Pen next to the Salt Pond, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The clinics are being organised in conjunction with the Vincentian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

A team of seven veterinarians from Italy, Japan and the United States, plus seven technicians and assistants will volunteer their time and skills to spay and neuter dogs and cats.

“Spaying and neutering — also called sterilising, fixing, or tying off — benefit not only the animals, but the nation as a whole. Their numbers are increasing drastically and without human intervention, the current ‘problem’ of overpopulation will become a ‘crisis’,” the VSPCA.

VSPCA said thousands of dogs and cats are unwanted and uncared for yet they keep reproducing, 2-3 litters per year, 4-10 pups or kittens per litter.

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“They suffer, the environment suffers, and humans suffer — physically, socially, economically,” the VSPCA said.

World Vets recognise the importance of the One Health concept in which the health of humans, animals and their ecosystems are inescapably linked.

“Our programmes help not only animals, but also people and the communities in which they live.

“Everything is connected. Through the spaying and neutering of owned and stray dogs and cats, we humans decrease and control their numbers, which ultimately benefits the whole.”

The World Vets team will also provide health consultations and additional surgical procedures, if requested ahead of time. Additionally, they welcome the participation of locally based veterinarians, vet students and/or skilled volunteers.

Persons can call the VSPCA at 1-784-532-9327 to request participation in the clinics’ service activities or for extra vet services for your dogs and cats.

There is no charge for the pet’s health care, but the VSPCA would appreciate donations.

Persons are being encouraged to bring all owned and stray dogs and cats in their area, which have not yet been neutered, to the World Vets/VSPCA clinics in Biabou and Owia.

VSPCA and the Ministry of Agriculture will assist with catching strays and transporting owners and pets to and from venues.