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SVG centre court player Nerissa Delplesche about to make a pass.
SVG centre court player Nerissa Delplesche about to make a pass.
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St. Vincent and the Grenadines, despite having two players out of the selection process for the night’s game, was clinical in their defeat Antigua and Barbuda 66 – 30 in the Netball World Cup Regional Qualifiers in Jamaica on Thursday.

It was the Vincentians fifth qualifying game and the led in all quarters — 17 – 6, 31-14, 51-19, and the final score 66 – 30.

Thursday night’s victory was welcomed following the previous night’s jeopardising loss — 57 – 36 — to Barbados at the same venue.

SVG goalshoot Maryann Frederick collects a high pass and then scores
SVG goalshoot Mary-Ann Frederick collects a high pass just before scoring.

Assistant coach Vasha Adams was quite pleased and said it was a team effort as every player on the court gave off their best.

The Cayman Islands is their next opponent on Friday night at 9:25 p.m., and on Saturday in their final game of the qualifying campaign, SVG clash with Grenada at 4:15 p.m.

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SVG have won their games against St. Lucia and the United States and lost a non-qualifying match against Jamaica.

The team is seeking to grab one of two available spots for the world championship in South Africa next year.

When the qualifiers end on Oct. 22, two countries apart from Jamaica are expected to qualify for next year’s world cup.