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The government has established a two-nautical-mile no drone zone around Sandals Beaches Resort, during the hosting of the CELAC summit.

The Civil Aviation Department announced the establishment of a Prohibited Airspace “TVP1” within a radius of two nautical miles around the resort at Buccament Bay.

“This measure is implemented to ensure the safety and security of the summit attendees and the general public,” Andrea Best, director of the Civil Aviation Department said.

The prohibited airspace, where the use of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) is prohibited, spans from Campden Park in the south to Mt Wynne to the north, Dubois to the east, and extends two nautical miles to the west.

This no drone zone will be in effect from Feb. 28 to March 2, 2024.

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“Drone operators are advised to refrain from flying within the designated area during the specified period,” Best said.

“The Civil Aviation Department reminds the public that operating drones within St. Vincent and the Grenadines requires a permit. Moreover, drones should not be flown near airports, including within the approach and departure paths of aircraft.”

Best said the summit “represents a significant milestone for SVG, showcasing its commitment to diplomacy, collaboration, and global leadership.

“We appreciate the cooperation of all stakeholders in ensuring the smooth conduct of the VIII CELAC Summit.”