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KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, March 21 — Rehabilitation work is expected to be carried out on the Vigie Highway from the first week in April.

This was disclosed at a recent consultation held by Brent Bailey, the country’s Chief Engineer, in conjunction with Commissioner of Police, Keith Miller. Residents of Arnos Vale and Fountain, who are within the immediate vicinity of the proposed rehabilitation site, attended the event.

At the meeting, Nicolai Lewis, project engineer, Ministry of Transport and Works, said approximately 280 metres of rehabilitation work will be carried out from the Arnos Vale Roundabout to Paris Tailor’s Shop, while an additional 170 metres will be done from the bridge bar at the top of the Vigie Highway to the entrance of the Villa/Fountain Gap.

This project is expected to be carried out over a 21-week period. During that time, existing pavement and drains will be removed to facilitate the construction of new drains, sidewalks, repaving of the road and the reinstating of a culvert near to the bridge bar, said Lewis.

A drain will also be constructed from the Arnos Vale Round About to the entrance of Robinson Hill, Arnos Vale, to mitigate the constraints caused by flooding at the Roundabout.

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Lewis also mentioned that the roundabout will be extended by 6.5 metres to allow for better navigation.

The project is expected to commence with extensive drainage work on the left section of the road leading from the Arnos Vale Round to Paris Tailor’s Shop. On completion of this drain, workmen will proceed to construct a drain and sidewalk on the opposite side of the road before pavement work is done.

Bailey explained that during the first five weeks of the project, there is going to be one lane of traffic on the Vigie Highway allowing cars to travel both ways. Omnibuses will not be allowed to use the route.

Bailey suggested that once the road is declared closed for traffic, motorists travelling from Mesopotamia to Kingstown will be advised to go through Belair and exit at the road near to KFC Arnos Vale or the gap above Public Works, Arnos Vale. Motorists travelling from Kingstown and are desirous of travelling to the Mesopotamia route will be advised to use the Villa-Fountain road via the Arnos Vale-Villa main road.

Motorists travelling from Mesopotamia to Kingstown will be allowed to travel all the way downwards via St. Vincent Electricity Services Limited (VINLEC), however, vehicle travelling upwards along the same route will only be allowed to get as far as the Derrick’s residence.

Commissioner of Police, Keith Miller, told the residents at the consultation that sometimes one has to suffer a little inconvenience for the greater good.

Miller encouraged motorists to comply with the instructions given to them by the construction team. He also noted that police officers will be assisting in ensuring that the traffic flows smoothly.

The police chief also used the opportunity to announce that the Traffic Regulations and Traffic Act are before the Attorney General, who will be making a number of amendments.

The meeting was also attended by Deputy Commissioner of Police, Michael Charles; Head of the Traffic Department, Superintendent Kenneth John; Divisional Commander of the South Central District, Superintendent Carlos Sampson; and Deputy Head of the Police Public Relations and Complaints Department, Inspector Hawkins Nanton.

(Police Public Relations Dept.)


4 replies on “Vigie Highway rehab set to begin in April”

  1. Rehab on roads and drains in the rainy and hurricane season???, 21 weeks(5 months) will go to the end of August and rain starts in late June. Why was this not started in December or January and end in June the latest when the place is dry dry dry?. Take note that the PM has no say in this so we can surely expect bad news or start and can’t finish.

  2. As EXPECTED, the typical NOISE MAKING from the USUAL SUSPECTS.

    It is a good thing that no one depends on you people for LEADERSHIP, because it would have been ENDLESS MISERY.

    That said; this is a HARD WORKING GOVERNMENT DETERMINE to ADVANCE the FORWARD PROGRESS of this BLESSED NATION called St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

    I look forward to the COMPLETION of this PROJECT.

  3. VINCYNEEDSASHOWERPOWA, why are you looking forward to the completion of this project, you couldn’t give a damn about the project.

    KS784, your quite right, but the project is funded by those European scum imperialist’s, you know the types that this government hates but is willing to take their money.

    I suppose we have had to wait for the availability of funds, what an inconvenience, how dare they.

    If you remember we nearly had to send the money back for the first phase of the Vigie Highway Project, because the Francis boy screwed up and was nearly beaten by the deadline.

    At least we are getting money from the old imperialists, notice we get nothing from the new imperialists, ALBA, Cuba, Venezuela. They are only interested in taking, not giving.

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