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KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, March 22 — The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Authority has scheduled a sitting of the OECS Assembly for next Tuesday.

In preparation for this sitting a seminar is planned to facilitate discussion of the Rules of Procedure for the Assembly, and aspects of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre that support the work of the Assembly.

The Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit said in a press release that the Seminar will be conducted on Monday.

Both events will take place at the Parliament Building in St. John’s, Antigua commencing at 9 a.m.

At this Sitting, the Assembly will be adopting its Rules of Procedure and debating the a motion on “The Challenges to the Free Movement of Persons within the OECS Economic Union”, and aamendment to the Civil Aviation Act, Regulations — Civil Aviation (Aeronautical Telecommunications) Regulations and Civil Aviation (Amendment) Regulations

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St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be represented at the Assembly by Prime Minister Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves; Minister of Health, Clayton Burgin; Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar, and Parliamentary Representative for the Northern Grenadines, Dr. Godwin Friday. Leader of the Opposition, Arnhim Eustace, the fifth member of the delegation, is unable to attend, the release said.

As chair of the OECS Authority, Gonsalves will present the motion and the draft bill for debate. Former parliamentarian, Vincentian Rene Baptiste is Speaker of the OECS Assembly.

3 replies on “Vincentian delegation to attend OECS assembly”

  1. Why is the OPPOSITION LEADER Mr. Arnhim Eustace, the man who claims that he wants to be the PRIME MINISTER of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, not attending this IMPORTANT OECS meeting?

    Kenton, if you’re a true INVESTIGATIVE reporter, your INSTINCTS should be telling you to FIND OUT why Mr. Eustace, who missed the LAST MEETING of the HOUSE of PARLIAMENT, is not attending the meeting of the OECS ASSEMBLY.

  2. VINCYNEEDSASHOWERPOWA, Poosey, why do you find it necessary to keep attacking Mr Chance. If you can’t behave yourself, like the fat man can’t behave himself, go elsewhere and be rude.

    You have spent years attacking me. Telling lies about me and everything that I say. Attempting to stifle the truth and honest decency.

    I really didn’t need Gonsalves and a whole hoard of ministers to go tripping the airways, squandering yet more of our money. It only takes one person to go to such a meeting, it looks like the annual ULP jolly-up is about to take place.

    In any case its Panorama day, the national holiday, they should all remain at home, it may prove to be one of the most important events in the year.

    On Tuesday everyone should blow their horn whilst driving past the financial centre.

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