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Opposition Leader, Arnhim Eustace. (IWN file photo)
Opposition Leader, Arnhim Eustace. (IWN file photo)

The opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) says it will hold two public protest meetings and a protest march to show its dissatisfaction with the arrest last week of Senator Vynnette Frederick.

Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace said Tuesday night that the events will highlight the “erosion of rights under our Constitution … and the constant, constant decline of our rights under the Constitution”.

The NDP will hold a public protest meeting in Mt. Bentick, Georgetown on Saturday and another in Layou on Tuesday.

Eustace said the meetings will focus on Frederick’s arrest “and one or two critical issues, but our main concentration would be on the erosion of rights and in fact, the persecution of some people in our society”.

On July 26, the NDP will march from its headquarters at Murray’s Road to in front the Financial Complex in central Kingstown, where the Office of the Prime Minister is located, and protest there for a few hours, Eustace said.

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On July 30, the day before Frederick is scheduled to return to court, the NDP will hold a prayer vigil by radio.

“Those are the first steps we are taking in relation to this matter,” Eustace said.

Last Thursday, Frederick was arrested and slapped with nine charges relating to false declarations, swearing falsely, and fabricating evidence.

The charges came hours after a magistrate dismissed six similar charges against her, stemming from a private complaint she made against Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves for statements he made during the campaign for the 2010 general elections.

2 replies on “Opposition to hold protest meetings over senator’s arrest”

  1. Was there a warrant for her arrest because she did not turn up for the trial? Was the arrest following a trial in which case she was give time in jail? Is SVG heading into the Jim Crow zone.
    I hope the protest march is to get some changes to the police attitude of arresting citizen if they smile at time.
    I don’t have the entire story, but I have seen the mongoose squad in action and I was not impressed.
    I hope when there is a change in government all these police actions would be reviewed and if possible bring charges against those who violated people’s rights. If Miller and Ralph are involved in anyway – jail them too.

  2. I firmly believe this whole matter was a ULP and Judiciary conspiracy.

    Peter Binose
    Self-appointed keeper of the whistle

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