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The Women of Virtue of Hope for Life Restoration Ministries will host its fourth biennial Convention on Sunday under the theme, “Renewal, revival, restoration!”

This rally will mark the culmination of a weekend of activities and will take place at Hope for Life Restoration Ministries, Arnos Vale starting at 6:30 p.m.

Ministers on the night will include the acclaimed Holirem Dramatists, the celebrated Diadem Dancers and, among others, the Holirem Choir s. The hosts will also honour several individuals who have contributed to their success, especially during the new administration.

Sister Marcia Roberts, head of the Church’s Youth Ministry – Youth Afire, will be the keynote speaker. Roberts, who is also a teacher at the Thomas Saunders Secondary School, is expected to deliver a stirring challenge to the ladies as we position ourselves for a fresh move of God that will propel us to the next level.


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