The Annual Open House hosted by the University of the West Open Campus continues until Friday.
The university says that Marsha Morgan-Allen, Senior Assistant Registrar (Admissions Section), and Ms. Donna Foster Administrative Assistant, Medical Sciences Desk at the Mona Campus in Jamaica are visiting during the Open House.
They are also joined by Janet Caroo, marketing officer at the Cave Hill Campus in Barbados.
The team will visit and share important information on programmes, the application process, and admission procedures of the University with students at various secondary schools, and the Arts, Sciences and General Studies and the Technical and Vocational Studies and the Teacher Education divisions of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Community College.
An Open Day will be held at the University Centre from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Friday.
The Open House is an opportunity for parents and prospective students of the University of the West Indies to meet and dialogue with faculty and administrative staff about academic programmes, scholarships, and other opportunities available at the University of the West Indies, a release said.