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Anesia Baptiste (File photo).
Anesia Baptiste (File photo).

The Democratic Republic Party says that as far as possible, the Government should remove “ULP hand-picked political party hacks who are engaged in the practice of putting names of persons who are without need, on lists to receive aid”.

Party leader Anesia Baptiste said the call is in light “recent developments” and its “own investigation” into the relief process since the Christmas Eve floods.

Baptiste said the involvement of ULP party hacks has helped to cause “the confusion that now exists. “Replace these persons with workers from NEMO (the National Emergency Management Organisation).

“Let NEMO do its job. Similarly, when the time comes, no building material distribution should be given to ULP area representatives and or to political party hacks hand- picked by them. It should be done by NEMO,” Baptiste further said.

She further said that the Opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) “must learn to work with organizations such as NEMO and desist from giving the impression that the NEMO is incapable of responsible and professional work.

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“The NDP must refrain from blaming NEMO unnecessarily for things that have gone wrong,” Baptiste said, adding that the DRP has experienced working with NEMO to bring relief to affected persons, “without any blockage or interference with our work.

“This has also included successful bringing in of relief items into the Country through NEMO. This cooperation can be done and the NDP must learn to do it and desist from misleading the public on this matter.”

The DRP head further said that he party is appealing to Vincentians refrain from any hostile or violent reactions at all times, saying this is unhelpful.

“If you are due assistance but you have not received it, remain calm and take your complaints forward to NEMO and exercise patience,” the DRP said.

“We call upon the government to remember that the relief supplies are for the victims of the disaster, regardless of political persuasion. It is necessary to ensure that impacted persons get relief FIRST, regardless of their political affiliation.

“The relief and rehabilitation process must not be used as an election gimmick. A caring and responsible government will ensure that ALL Vincentians who have been impacted by the disaster receives the aid they deserve and that the impacted persons are the FIRST to receive any distributed aid,” the DRP head further said.

5 replies on “DRP calls for removal of ‘party hacks’ from disaster relief efforts”

  1. Ms Baptiste do not be naive, Nemo is a part of the ULP. From all the ramblings that the Prime Minister has made over the years, Vincentians are convinced more than ever that he only cares about ULP supporters. The guy is on tape saying that only ULP people would benefit once he’s in charge. Election is in the air and they will use any means to try and win.

    As much as people like to make believe that SVG is a fair place, I can assure you that it is not and everyone knows it. You’re talking about a guy who removed the traffic lights because NDP put them up, how do you reason with someone like that?.

    Just ring the election bell, Vincentians are fedup.

  2. What is it really? ….”the Government should remove ULP hand-picked political party hacks who are engaged in the practice of putting names of persons who are without need, on lists to receive aid”. Okay, I get that. Then, “the Opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) must learn to work with organizations such as NEMO and desist from giving the impression that the NEMO is incapable of responsible and professional work.” You gave the reason why NDP should not work with the government; so, why should they work with NEMO based on the above statement? Is NEMO an independent, responsible, professional organization, or is it a department of the Government where ULP is the ruling party that would hand-pick its own political party hacks? I am still thinking of the term: political party hacks.

  3. Well said by the lady that has absolutely no influence on the political discourse that is taking place in Vincyland. A great shame, as Vincyland will do well with the talents, heart and mind of folks like Ms Baptiste (sans the religiosity).

    Look, I am of the firm believe, if the NDP was in office, they would have handled the relief and rehabilitation efforts in similar fashion. When you are in power in our political system, you rule absolutely and given the level of acrimony that exist between the Opposition and the incumbent; those on the outside looking in have to suck salt and kick rocks. Its the nature of the beast, so all this posturing by the NDP about how the Government politicizing the relief efforts, I am not entirely convince their griping is a matter of principles but rather a case of sour-grapes bellyaching.

    It would take the likes of Ms Baptiste and a new generation of politicians in Vincyland to change the way we do things where politics and governance are concern…these old tired soldiers presently in our Parliament and elsewhere have to leave or pushed off the stage before we see real change in Vincyland.

    Why Ms Baptiste, why? You couldn’t wait a couple of years? Eustace going down the road just now…all you had to do is suck salt and kick rocks for a period of time…and then the whole hog is yours…eh, wey wrong wid you?…lol…ah gone!

  4. This is interesting eh coming from Ms Baptiste. After all the lie the opposition was called she has finally seen the light interesting indeed. I admire your spirit however you will be more effective as an activist Christians have no business being politicians. The evidence is there to show what happens when church and state become one.

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