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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sen. Camillo Gonsalves. (IWN photo)
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sen. Camillo Gonsalves. (IWN photo)
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The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not represent the opinions or editorial position of I-Witness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

“I am not upset that you lied to me; I am upset that from now on I can never believe you.” Friedrich Netzsche

Each day, I get the impression that Ralph Gonsalves and his clan are really convinced that Vincentians are all idiots and therefore they go out of their way to treat us as such. I follow with interest the issue as it relates to the validity of Camillo Gonsalves’ senatorial appointment. I was not one who took this claim seriously, but if there were questions as to the validity of the senatorial appointment in the minds of a cross-section of the citizenry, then those concerns must be addressed and the relevant explanation must be given.

Like his father, it seems that Camillo is of the misguided opinion that St. Vincent and the Grenadines and its citizenry owe them something. He (Camillo) has not yet understood that as an appointed politician he is a servant of the people and not the boss of the citizenry. Ralph Gonsalves understood this very well after contesting seven or more general elections and did not even get one per cent of the votes in his constituency. He understood the principle of being a servant of the people when he spent a weekend at Sir Lambert Eustace’s residence trying to beg his way into a senatorial position when Mitchell’s NDP slate of candidates won all 15 of the electoral seat in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines house of parliament. How soon have he and his offspring forgot from whence they came?

It seems like Camillo Gonsalves is upset that a cross-section of the community question the legitimacy of his senatorial appointment. I am wondering if in Camillo’s explanation he lied to the nation? Camillo Gonsalves claimed that he renounced his American citizenship sometime before he took up the senatorial position and the post of minister of Foreign Affairs. The question I will like to ask, “Did the young senator li in his open letter when he said he renounced his citizenship some time before he took up his senatorial position?”

I have a sneaking suspicion that Senator Camillo Gonsalves who had no reason to lie on the issue of renouncing his citizenship actually lied about it, even when the renouncing of his citizenship was not a point of contention.

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Although most countries do not have a formal procedure by which one can renounce their citizenship, the acquiring of a foreign passport is good enough to exempt an individual from any responsibility of his renounced nation. In the United States, it is not so. The United States has a formal procedure to facilitate anyone who chooses to make such an important decision. The United States is a country that takes the welfare of its citizen outside of the U.S. seriously. As a result, there must never be any doubt as to the nature of an individual’s relationship with this great country. This country leaves nothing to chance.

If a citizen of the United States makes a conscious decision to renounce his or her citizenship, he or she is required to go in person to an embassy or consulate outside of the United States and sign before a consulate officer under oath or affirmation his intention to renounce his or her citizenship. The consulate officer will interview him or her to ensure that his decision is voluntary and intentional. Upon qualifying the individual action is voluntary and intentional then the necessary paper work will be completed to effect the renunciation of the individual citizenship.

The questions I will like answers for are:

  1. Did the young senator (Camillo Gonsalves) actually renounce his US citizenship or did he lie to the entire population in his open letter?
  2. Which of the embassies or consulate office did Senator Gonsalves actually sign his oath or affirmation renouncing his United States citizenship?
  3. Who was the Consulate officer that facilitated this process?

I truly hope, that young senator Camillo Gonsalves, is not walking in the same path of his father Ralph E. Gonsalves: a path of unnecessary lies.

Allan Palmer


The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

10 replies on “Did Camillo Gonsalves lie in his open letter?”

  1. Having another citizenship doesn’t disqualify you from serving in parliament according to the constitution of Saint Vincent. And as far as we know Camillo has not serve in the armed forces of the US or serve in any capacity in a government position that required him to swear allegiance. So I cant see what’s the big fuss all about. I am just seeing it from the perspective of a regular citizen in the diaspora without any party affiliation. Furthermore it seems many folks are having a issues of the fact that he is the son of the current prime minister and also may somehow gripe at that. However according to the laws he is duly qualified. Let the fingers do the talking at the ballot box at the next election.

    1. Which part of the constitution are you reading Ali Clarke? Your statement is not accurate. Read the constitution and come again!

      1. Here we go again! Section 26 subsection 1 states no person shall be qualified to be elected or appointed as a Reprensative or Senator if he by virtue of his own act under any acknowledgment of allegiance obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state. renmobro being born in another Country doesnt mean you have allegiance to that country since a child cannot choose where they are born that is straight forward!! Note the laws doesnt say a word of birthplace! You my friend needs to not only read the act but understand it my statement was correct! John Compton was born in Saint Vincent yet he was the Prime Minister of St. Lucia the highest political office of the land. In addition you don’t have to be born in SVG to vote either. There are judges who are in the court system and also occupy the highest court in the land and they are not Vincentians! Camillo has not sworn allegiance to the UnitedStates his country of birth So honestly there isn’t an issue with the qualifications of the Honorable member from a legal stand point is simply not founded! If you or others are unhappy with the current government thats what elections are for let your voices be heard at then.

      2. Peter Binose says:

        ALI, yes he did swear allegiance, he did so when he was called to the Bar in the US, part of the process of becoming a US attorney.

        Unfortunately like his father he thinks we are all stupid and do not know these things.

        It beats me every time, why cannot we have simple truths instead of a woven fabric of lies, we can all accept the truth even if we don’t like it. Talking the truth straight from the hip is much better than writing a five page excuse that no one believes in the first place.

        It always reminds me of what the America Indians used to say on such occasions, which we can apply to Ralph but not to Camillo.

        We should also be told is Camillo a Jamaican citizen as well. I have him down as going to school in Jamaica but he says he went to school in SVG. That requires clarification with a simple truthful answer.

  2. Peter Binose says:

    ALLAN, when you are an American with income from or in other countries, whatever you earn must be declared and taxation may well be due on whatever you earn wherever you earn it.

    Most of the income of Camillo is fairly open to view, I wonder if he declared his SVG income and assets to the US authorities, because when you give up US citizen ship you must clear up your tax situation at the same time. Did he make a submission, did he make a declaration?

    I am not sure if he was listed by the whistle blower among those that had US dollars to bank in SVG, along with others of the family and party.

    Perhaps Allan you can make the US IRS aware of this matter, and aware of Camillos statement.

  3. C. Ben-David says:

    Why was this comment ever printed since all of its assertions were addressed by the Boy Wonder in his open letter? My only reply is that Camillo must feel he is hyper-privileged and that the masses should feel lucky to have him as a Senator. You have to be either crazy or power mad to renounce citizenship in the greatest and best country in the history of mankind.

  4. Steve Huggins says:

    Very astute commentary, Allan.

    Yuh be hearh the tark about “follow the money” ?

    Well, the DATES OF THE SAID DOCUMENTS would go a LONG WAY in “ketching” any potential liar.


    Let us have the DATES ON the reputed communications.

    That should be ample evidence of any lies, disinformation and, or, obfuscation.

    Follow the dates, brethren.

  5. Peter Binose says:

    What do you expect ALLEN, it may well be its becoming a family trait that we must accept as fact.

    What I think he has failed to tell us that to become a US attorney he was required to swear allegiance to the United States and the US Constitution. That under the terms of SVG’s constitution may of excluded him from being made a Vincentian senator. So why not tell us that, instead of going into a whole load of unnecessary long winded splurge about his birth right.
    26. (1) No person shall be qualified to be elected or appointed as a Representative or Senator (hereinafter in this section referred to as a member) if he-
    a. is by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state.

    Its not about being born in the US its about what is contained in the above clause. That is why he gave up citizenship, because he had to.

    Why then tell a whole lot of embroidered crap, It appears to me that he is sliding down the same slope as his father. Trying to bamboozle the public with a whole lot of legal jargon, all designed to hide the truth.

  6. Allan Palmer says:

    This piece is not calling into question Camillo’s duel or multiple citizenship, it is trying to find out if the Young Senator lied to the Government and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines when he publicly declared in an open letter written by him, to the international public, which Stated that he renounced or denounce his United States of America citizenship.

    I Allan H. Palmer is claiming that there is a 90% chance that this young man is lying. So the question is: Did the newly appointed senator: Camillo Gonsalves; actually made the time to make an appointment with an Embassy and or a consulate of the United States of America and Under Oath and affirmation denounce or renounce his United States Of America citizenship as he said he did?

    Or did he lied hoping that Allan H. Palmer would not have looked into his claims with a view that he lied. The young man need to come clean and present the evidence as it relates to his action.

    Which embassy or consulate he took the steps in
    When did he do it: Date and Time:
    Who were the consulate officer that administered his oath and or affirmation.
    At the end of the process, did the consulate officer give him any documentation, as proof of his action.

    these are all reasonable questions. Steve Huggins we have to call him out and as you suggest we will follow the date. Peter the IRS. the IRS, the IRS.

  7. Peter Binose says:

    Allan you may very well be correct, in fact I believe you are.

    I submitted this and i am still waiting for some one to publish it –


    If you remember Camillo told us this [extracts] –

    “I have lived in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; attended primary and secondary school in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”

    Yet elsewhere I found this –

    His early schooling was in Jamaica, where he attended the Priory School [email protected] and the Wolmers High School
    [Both upper and middle class fee paying schools for the privileged child]

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