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Some 7,000 articles of clothing have sources for persons affected by the Christmas disaster. (IWN file photo)
Some 7,000 articles of clothing have sources for persons affected by the Christmas disaster. (IWN file photo)

The Mustique Charitable Trust (MCT) is continuing to work with the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to provide storm relief as a result of the extensive damage caused on Christmas Eve 2013 by a trough system.

Due to the continued generosity of donors to the MCT Storm Relief Fund that was launched in December 2013, the Trust is now providing additional support to the families who lost clothing in the floods.

In February 2014 MCT donated EC$1,000,000 to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves to assist the affected communities and to rebuild infrastructure.  The plight of the storm victims led to an offer from a Mustique homeowner to donate clothing to NEMO for distribution by the Red Cross. Approximately 7,000 articles of clothing have been shipped from the United Kingdom to provide much needed clothing, particularly for men, from Simon Jerseys and Ballyclare, garment manufacturers.

“MCT would like to thank Simon Jersey and Ballyclare for their generosity and for their prompt support to the MCT Storm Relief effort by donating so many garments to those in need. We have visited many of the communities affected by the trough system and have seen first – hand the devastation caused. We hope that the donation of clothing valued at ECD 300,000 will provide meaningful assistance to those persons and communities affected, especially children, young people and the vulnerable,” MCT said in a release.

MCT said it is working closely with NEMO and the Red Cross to distribute the clothing to those affected by the weather trough system.

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“In addition to thanking NEMO and Red Cross for their assistance in the customs clearance and distribution process, MCT would also like to thank Geest Line Ltd for the concessionary freight rate. None of this would have been possible without the donation of the garments from Simon Jerseys and Ballyclare.  We thank them for this donation most sincerely,” MCT said.

MCT says it is committed to provide assistance where it can. It further said that while its primary focus is improving opportunities for children, young people and vulnerable adults while supporting the development of sustainable communities throughout SVG, its support to the government and people of SVG in times of disaster.