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The Grinch who stole Christmas was portrayed by Gordon “Tarya” Boucher of Melbourne Artisans. (IWN Photo)
The Grinch who stole Christmas was portrayed by Gordon “Tarya” Boucher of Melbourne Artisans. (IWN Photo)
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(Click for photos of the King and Queen of the bands competition)

Competitor: Gordon ‘Tarya’ Boucher
Portrayal: The Grinch who stole Christmas – Compliments of the season
Mas Band: Melbourne Artisans
Position: 1st

Competitor: Ricardo Adams
Portrayal: Fireworks – Heat
Mas Band: Guinness Y D Lima Hitz FM 103.7 Blondie Bird & Friends
Position: 2nd

Competitor: Julian Pollard
Portrayal: At the end of the rainbow is a pot of gold – Beyond the rainbow
Mas Band: SVG Players International Mas Band
Position: 3rd

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Competitor: Rupert Alexander
Portrayal: Titanic the sinking wreckage – Oceanic Journey
Mas Band: Hairoun Tribes Mas Band
Position: 4th