The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not represent the opinions or editorial position of I-Witness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
Today, the voices from below send a special thanks to I-Witness News, Ms. Juno De Roche (representing Digicel) and PM Gonsalves.
The article entitled “PM Gonsalves aiding and abetting Digicel?” has served its purpose. At 12:05 p.m., about 6 hours after published the article, a team of Digicel representatives showed up and retracted several statements made the previous day.
I was told by a representative that my article prompted a quick response from Digicel and that they have decided to offer teachers the option of choosing between a post-paid and a pre-paid plan. Teachers were also given additional information, which elucidated many areas. As a result, I decided to write a follow up article to express my gratitude.
First on my list is Your quick publication resulted in immediate action. I admonish all Vincentians to log on daily. Second, I wish to thank my colleagues for the support they offered. Third, Ms Juno De Roche was very professional and offered her assistance and advice where necessary.
Finally, Mr. Prime Minister, I must thank you for the education revolution and the challenge you have issued to Vincentians to be more articulate and critical. Mr. Ralph Gonsalves has influenced me to talk out against injustices and I hope to be awarded the privilege and honour to represent my fellow countrymen in the future. As for my critics, being afraid to stand up for what you believe in and your fellow citizens is the very same reason why Vincentians will always be treated with disrespect, contempt and be seen as uneducated.
Vanrick D. Williams
The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].
Exactly which “education revolution” are you talking about? Surely it isn’t the one in which teachers spend precious class time glued to their cell phones talking fart about pre-paid vs. post-paid Digicel service.
Believe me, you are not setting a good example for your students by being preoccupied with this trivial matter.
Vanrick D. Williams choose to do the right thing in the above post by thanking all and sundry that responded immediately and rectified his grievances, and even went further and thanked PM Gonsalves for the education revolution, and this pisses off C-Ben David! Well! Well!
Isnt this the same C- ben David whom Steve Huggins referred to as a creature of the lowest standard and a political nasty… who once referred to our Passport as a piece of rag and Vincentians as a bunch of dunces? Isnt this the same C-ben David who uses the nom de plume Peter Binose, spreading his vile all over the Web, attacking Vincentians left and right aided and abetted by…well you know who? Time to check this dirty dawg! No more of your trashiness C-Ben David, I for one had enough of you. We aint letting you pass over, not any more. Time out!
The education revolution ensures that every child receives a secondary education. Read up on UNESCO (no child left behind). However, my articles strive for objectivity. I refuse to let my personal bias and my political affiliation dictate my reasoning. Are you in a school to say teachers waste precious time on phones? The bottom line was not and is not a phone, it is principle. Politicians and buisness corporations need to be honest with citizens. You are talking out of ignorance. What cannot be taught using ‘chalk and talk’ must be modeled by the teacher. My example to students is citizenship education (being involve in democratic processes and issues that affect citizens). You need to put party politics aside and stop being an imbecile.
So, Van, YOU were “educated” in Communist ralphie’s ‘Education Revolution’?
Yuh nah wan “spring-chicken” – – – ARE you?
Oh, just a sampler: DOES that ‘challenge’ to Vincentians to be more “articulate and critical” involve CHALLENGING A NATIONAL VINCENTIAN JOURNALIST AT A PRESS CONFERENCE who ASKED A SIMPLER QUESTION: “You don’t think that I AM A MORON, do you?”
So THAT WHY ‘he’ DOES INSULT VINCENTIAN NATIONALS with being “BLACK [unprintable] [uprintable] [unprintable] – – – .
BUT, yuh know yuh RIGHT?!
Yuh RIGHT, Vanrick:
Which was the very matter to be DEMONSTRATED.
Q.E.D., ‘comrade’ Vanrick WILLIAMS.
Watch a REGIME . . .
The Blind leading the blind, now.
Pobre Saint Vincent and las Grenadinas.
Did I not mention before that C-ben David, Steve Huggins and the likes have this awful little “Fraternal Girls Club” going, where they get together and snicker and whimper at our government on-behalf of the well you know!… In unfashionable gaiety, and believe that they will not be taken to task? If Kenton will stop protecting these little wimpy sherls and allow Vinciman to give them a bull-pistle, things will run a little smoother here, there and everywhere. What say you Kenton? I hope youre looking to join the “FGC”, there are no girls there. Despicable bunch ah fangs!
Did I not mention before that C-ben David, Steve Huggins and the likes have this awful little “Fraternal Girls Club” going, where they get together and snicker and whimper at our government on-behalf of the well you know!… In unfashionable gaiety, and believe that they will not be taken to task? If Kenton will stop protecting these little wimpy sherls and allow Vinciman to give them a bull-pistle, things will run a little smoother here, there and everywhere. What say you Kenton? I hope youre not looking to join the “FGC”, there are no girls there. Despicable bunch ah fangs!
This is not an education revolution its the continuation of a process started under the NDP. Renamed by Gonsalves so as he could own the process as his own.
This process funded by the World Bank, European Union, nothing to do with Gonsalves he just happened to be in office during this period. Its not his idea, the funding has been nothing whatsoever to do with him.
Neither of the parties own the right to claim that they and they alone started the upgrading of education in the Caribbean, and in SVG in particular.
All the islands have improved their education systems at the same time, its nothing to do with revolution, its do with kindness on the part of our old Imperialist Masters, its do with kindness on the part of the ‘Empire’ as he so disgustingly and disrespectfully calls the USA.
Yet he holds out his begging bowl to all those people for whom he has no respect or love for. Then cheers and supports those who give us nothing for nothing, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, and all the other Marxist ALBA scum bags. Everything we do with these countries, the Caribbean axis of scum, we pay dearly for, let no one lie to you or kid you otherwise.
The pretence that the Cubans have given us something at the airport. They have not we have paid for each man over $6,000 a month. We don’t pay the men, we pay the Cuban embassy, who rip off their citizens with the smallest amount the can get away with. We are paying over $300,000 a month to the Cubans, that doubly covers anything that they have ever done for us. It covers whatever they have done at the airport in relation to drawings, planning, truck and machine drivers, engineers and every other type of worker they supply. They have given them nothing, and they have not been cheap, World prices for Cuban slave labour.
The pretence that the Venezuelans have done something for nothing, they have not. According to the prime minister they were to pay the wages of the Cubans, they have not, and have refused to do so. The money that we got from them started as low cost loans from Petrocaribe, the interest rate is now in excess of 4/%, in a few years we will owe them so much money they will own the airport, we will have to give it to them to pay the debt owed to them. They gave us $10 million worth of old repainted plant and machinery, the next $97 million for purchased plant and machinery we paid ourselves, not the Venezuelans, not the Cubans, paid for with loans that have bankrupted our country.
All the crap about education revolution, is so annoying, because its a great lie, a great deception, and its time people spoke the truth.
As for one laptop a child, its happening everywhere, none of the finance came from anything Gonsalves did, its to do with kindness on the part of our old Imperialist Masters, its to do with kindness on the part of the ‘Empire’ as he so disgustingly and disrespectfully calls the USA. Given by the EU and routed through Venezuela as part of the pretence. Many countries had laptops for children years before SVG, but the pretence its something to do with Gonsalves is an immorality of the truth, its a direct lie.
It’s really amazing that with all the problem$ teachers are facing from gov’t one can only voice an opinion about getting another a ‘gadget’.