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The Ralph Gonsalves led Unity Labour Party is seeking a fourth consecutive term in office. (Photo: Zavique Morris/IWN)
The Ralph Gonsalves led Unity Labour Party is seeking a fourth consecutive term in office. (Photo: Zavique Morris/IWN)

The Unity Labour Party on Sunday confirmed and announced its full slate of candidates to represent the party in the next general elections, widely expected this year, ahead of the March 28, 2016 constitutional deadline. The candidates and the constituencies in which they will run are listed below.

Montgomery Dnaiel, North Windward.
North Windward, Montgomery Daniel (Incumbent MP).
North Central Windward,  Ralph Gonsalves (Prime Minister).
North Central Windward, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves (Prime Minister).
South Central Windward, Saboto Caesar. (Incumbent MP)
South Central Windward, Saboto Caesar. (Incumbent MP)
South Windward, Frederick Stephenson. (Incumbent MP)
South Windward, Frederick Stephenson. (Incumbent MP)
Marriaqua, St. Clair 'Jimmy' Prince. (First-time candidate)
Marriaqua, St. Clair “Jimmy” Prince. (First-time candidate)
West St. George, Cecil McKie. (Incumbent MP)
West St. George, Cecil McKie. (Incumbent MP)
East St. George, Sen. Camillo Gonsalves. (First-time candidate)
East St. George, Sen. Camillo Gonsalves. (First-time candidate)
East Kingstown, Sen. Luke Browne.
East Kingstown, Sen. Luke Browne.
Central Kingstown, Beresford Phillips. (First-time candidate)
Central Kingstown, Beresford Phillips. (First-time candidate)
West Kingstown, Deborah Charles. (First-time candidate)
West Kingstown, Deborah Charles. (First-time candidate)
South Leeward, Sen. Jomo Thomas. (First-time candidate)
South Leeward, Sen. Jomo Thomas. (First-time candidate)
Central Leeward, Sir Louis Straker.
Central Leeward, Sir Louis Straker.
North Leeward, Carlos James. (First-time candidate)
North Leeward, Carlos James. (First-time candidate)
Northern Grenadines, Herman Belmar.
Northern Grenadines, Herman Belmar.
Southern Grenadines, Edwin Snagg.
Southern Grenadines, Edwin Snagg.


2 replies on “IN PHOTOS: ULP announces full slate of candidates”

  1. He is actually starting to look like Fidel Castro, which reminds me of what granny used to say “people start to look like the dogs they adore”.

  2. your comments are taken in poor taste. That is all you could say. shame on you, If you do not support the ULP [which is your right] you do not have to condescend to such low levels. The bible exhort us to pray for those in authority.

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