Supervisor of Elections Sylvia Findlay has released to I-Witness News the official results of the 2015 general elections in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Findlay said in a statement that on Thursday, Returning Officers in each of the 15 constituencies conducted the Final Counting of Votes cast in Wednesday’s General Elections as mandated by the Representation of the People Act (1982) Chapter 9 Section 42.
I-Witness News has presented the data graphically as follows. We hope that it will make it easier for our readers to process the data.

Thank you for your data, Supervisor of Elections. You have earned the right and the sanction of your conscience to release them. Well done! You’re still stuffed with integrity? Or now freshly stuffed with dishonour, enfeeblement, admiration for banditry and disgrace?
Its interesting to see where they have no control of the voting station and storage of boxes, the Grenadines, that the figures reflect the true situation.
Indeed. The prevailing conviction of the REG team is likely that SVG is chock full of jackasses. I am hoping against hope that the team and its enablers are mistaken.
Isn’t it interesting, Peter, that in the Grenadines where you claim the ULP has no control of the voting stations or boxes, the NDP share of the vote declined from 2010 to 2015:
2010 Northern Grenadines NDP 80 percent of the popular vote
2015 Northern Grenadines NDP 76 percent of the popular vote
2010 Southern Grenadines NDP 63 percent of the popular vote
2015 Southern Grenadines NDP 61 percent of the popular vote
Multiple choice question: What explains this decline?
1. In order to get even with his successor, Arnhim Eustace, Sir James Mitchell arranged for the stuffing of the ballot boxes.
2. Yours truly made up these numbers.
3. These figures simply reflect the overall loss in popularity of the hapless NDP, even in The Grenadines, over the past four years.
Isn’t it interesting also, Peter, that the NDP gained in popularity between the 2010 election and the 2015 election, an increase from 43 percent of the popular vote to 47 percent percent of the popular vote, the opposite of the situation in the Grenadines.
Multiple choice question: This increase was because:
1. The ULP was able to wickedly stuff more ballots into more boxes in 2010 than in 2015.
2. The Terminator was less popular than his predecessor, Maxwell Charles, who is said to have openly campaigned against him.
3. Ben Exeter was more popular than habitual loser Norrel Hull.
I’ll put my money on #3. What about you?
Peter, give it a rest before you spoil the good work you have done in Cyberspace.
So where is this ndp 6 vote victory?
Ndp curses anyone with a point of view that differs from theirs. Now the ndp spews lies of a win but they don’t have any evidence of it after the recount?
So now lie number 1000+ – irregularities. They said this before in 2001, 2005 and 2010.
When they lose, somebody cheated. Remember the ndp however has been planning to say this. We heard them preparing the narrative early. We heard them talking about mass re-registering in ESGeorge and EKingstown where I believe they were expecting to lose. Poor Linton was beaten badly by Camillo but Arnhim got away by the skin of his teeth.
Ndp was nowhere close to winning. We remember another lie of theirs – that they were winning by 11 seats or maybe even 13. It turned out that Peter Wickham was correct all along. His poll suggested that the ulp could have easily picked up three to four seats. Now the election day poll showed us that ulp almost got EKingstown, SLeeward and NLeeward. That would have been 11 for the Ndp.
If there was cheating the ulp might have had 12 or so seats today. Why cheat and stop at 8? That’s dotish. Realise this, if one member crosses the floor, they are out of Gov’t.
I conclude that the ndp are full of liars
One more thought. I believe the ndp agents told them that they had infant won by 6 votes. In NLeeward. Maybe Arnhim wasn’t fully revived when the message was relayed. Maybe he thought they said CLeeward.
Stop embarrassing yourself fellars
It is very sad that the Supervisor of Elections is strongly connected to Ralph Gonsalves. Her daughter is married to Ralph’s LIAR IN CHIEF….Hans King! In Nazi Germany the post was called “Minister of Propaganda”. Why can’t SVG find someone that does not have a conflict of interest placed into the position…OH! then Ralph may not be assured of a win!