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‘Holding Fast to Your Dreams’

Graduates, I tell you a mystery that I have discovered. I have discovered the 7 point plan that will make you achieve your dreams. I tell you today that everyone who achieves rapid success in life follows this plan more or less. This plan is a science of achieving and if you follow it you will make your dreams come true. Follow this carefully to find out this plan to achieving your dreams:

#1. DREAM THE RIGHT DREAM– Some dreams or aspirations are destructive to the person. Therefore you must ensure you dream the right dream. Dream a dream that benefits you the individual and also your community and society at large. DREAM THE RIGHT DREAM

With the 2016 Valedictorian and Student of the Year Roshad Boyce of the Rose Hall Government School. I donated and presented the Anesia Baptiste award for Student of the year to this young man.
With the 2016 Valedictorian and Student of the Year Roshad Boyce of the Rose Hall Government School. I donated and presented the Anesia Baptiste award for Student of the year to this young man.

#2. FOCUS ON THE DREAM- This means you must fix your mind on the dream. Mental fixation on what you want to achieve is very important to achieving it. Some may say you cannot do it and situations in life may threaten your achievement. Whatever the situation, keep your focus on the dream, turn not to the left or right, and you will achieve it. FOCUS ON THE DREAM

#3. PERSISTENCE TO ACHIEVE THE DREAM- What does it mean to have persistence to achieve the dream? You must have ongoing activity towards achieving the dream. If you dream to be an animation designer, you must do activity towards it- keep drawing, improve and perfect your art, do something about it. As my personal motto which I have written says “The Toil for success, breeds success.” In other words, as you keep doing some activity towards your dream, as you have persistence to achieve the dream, you are bound to achieve it. Have PERSISTENCE TO ACHIEVE THE DREAM

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With the 2016 Most Improved Student Precious Williams of the Sion Hill Government School. I presented the award to her on behalf of the Friends of Sion Hill organization in New York.
With the 2016 Most Improved Student Precious Williams of the Sion Hill Government School. I presented the award to her on behalf of the Friends of Sion Hill organization in New York.

#4. EDUCATION CONCERNING THE PARTICULAR DREAM YOU ARE PURSUING– This is necessary in order for you to understand properly what you’re dreaming about. Keep educating yourself about that dream. Do you dream to be a Doctor? Find out all that this profession requires. Research about it, read about it.  EDUCATION CONCERNING THE PARTICULAR DREAM YOU ARE PURSUING.

#5. CREATE OPPORTUNITIES TO ACHIEVE THE DREAM– For example, do you want to be a Teacher? Talk to Teachers, show interest in the work Teachers do, work towards attending Teachers’ College, work towards your degree in education and such like- open the way to help yourself. CREATE OPPORTUNITIES TO ACHIEVE THE DREAM

#6. SPEND PERSONAL MONEY TO ADVANCE CLOSER TO YOUR DREAM- People spend money on all sorts of things. Some spend on pleasure activities, clothing and such like. Do you desire to be a Food Processor for example? Save your money and buy a book about recipes. Purchase tools that will help you. This will teach you to save or economize towards achieving your dream. SPEND MONEY TO ADVANCE CLOSER TO YOUR DREAM

With the 2016 Top performer in CPEA and Valedictorian of the Sion Hill Government School, Javed Baptiste.
With the 2016 Top performer in CPEA and Valedictorian of the Sion Hill Government School, Javed Baptiste.

Finally and most importantly in this plan:

#7. TRUST IN GOD FOR EVERYTHING– “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5,6. Without God you can do nothing but as Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” TRUST GOD FOR EVERYTHING

This 7 point plan is the science to success in achieving your dreams. Follow it and you are bound to see your dreams become a reality by God’s grace.

 A word of encouragement to parents.

I have found that parents who do the following are made proud and satisfied parents:

  • Do not discourage your child from their good dreams, whether it may be your dream for them or not.
  • Assist them in this 7 point plan to achieve their dreams.

May God bless you as you follow this 7 point plan to success, as you Hold fast to your dreams. Amen.

Anesia O. Baptiste

Political Leader

Democratic Republican Party (DRP)

4 replies on “A few words for graduates…”

  1. Baptiste needs to take her own advice. Choose the right dream and then focus on it. She must decide if she wants to be a religious leader or a National leader, not both. I suggest she choose religion because most of the country will never vote for her because of her religion. What I dislike most of her religion like many of the false Christians in SVG is their hatred of Muslims. True Christianity is not about hatred. They say they do not hate them but listen to their words and see their actions. It is like politics. All inn SVG know that a politician may say their top priority is JOBS but they never make any legislation where the Private Sector can create jobs. Best to judge by actions more than just words. When these politicians begin to follow their own advice that they give to us, then I may start to listen. So far only O’Neil and Eustace deserve my attention.

    1. Brown Boy USA says:

      While you are entitled to your own opinion, you should not be so judgmental about another person’s choice of religion just because you dislike the religion. A person’s religious belief does not necessarily reflects their ability or inability to function as a good leaders. You should never drawing the conclusion that Ms. Baptiste would never be a leader in SVG because of her religion. That is not for you as one person to decide but the entire nation: Who God blessed, no man curse! And no one knows what the future hold. I think her message to the kids was on point and applicable to the occasion. We have to learn to give props where props is due, whether you like a person not. We are all Vincentians and must have to learn to appreciate what we have, even though we may disagree with them sometimes. But this was a good speech and I don’t see the relevance of her religious choice here. Also, you can only make informed decisions when you listen to everyone, no just one, because you would get a one sided point-of-view. And this seems to be one of our problem as Vincentians, we have a one-track minded way of thinking. But I think it was a good speech and I’ll leave it at that. I’m not beating up on you anyway, just drawing a point.

      1. I agree with you! You need to read my words more carefully. You also need to talk to more Vincentians. VERY FEW accept her religion. If she stays with it she will never be the PM, that is a fact. I have respect for her as a politician , and not her religion. I am very critical of religions that are racist. Hers has pure hatred of Muslims. You say I should not be critical of a religion that promotes hatred? Her pure hatred of Muslims is, of course, very racist and she needs to change that before I would respect her religion. Also: This is obviously a publicity stunt and I am not even blaming her for that. You can defend people that advocate hatred, but I will not.

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