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St. Vincent and the Grenadines on Wednesday joined a list of countries across the region and internationally to impose a temporary ban on the importation of certain meats and meat products from Brazil.

“The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines has imposed an immediate temporary ban on the importation and sale of all beef and poultry products from Brazil, including corned beef,” the state-owned Agency for Public Information said in a news release.

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“Further the order has been issued for the removal of ALL such products from the shelves of every establishment,” the brief release said.

The ban comes as authorities in South America’s largest nation, suspended 33 government officials amid allegations that some of the country’s biggest meat processors have been selling rotten beef and poultry for years, the BBC reported.

Three meat processing plants have also been closed and another 21 are under scrutiny, the report said.

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Jamaica was among the first Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries to place a temporary ban on the importation of corn beef or meat products from Brazil.

Kingston made the announcement on Tuesday and has since been followed by Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and the Bahamas.

Other CARICOM nations say they are looking into the scandal.

China has suspended meat imports from Brazil over its rotten meat scandal while the European Union has called for a partial ban, Al Jazeera has reported.