Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves says that he would like to see the model at the heart of the ongoing scandal involving the family of his son, Minister of Finance, Camillo Gonsalves, pursue university education.
“… she’s a young lady, she went up to the Community College, I’d like to see her stabilised — the mental issue. I’d like to see her get on with her life. I’d like to see if she can go to university if she stabilises herself. I’d like to see her get a career. I know her mother. And I am not saying anything adverse about the family or anything like that.”
Gonsalves was speaking Thursday about 22-year-old Yugge Farrell of Lowmans Bay, who was, last Friday, Jan. 5, sent to the psychiatric hospital for two weeks’ evaluation.
The woman was sent to the hospital after she allegedly told Camillo’s wife, Karen Duncan Gonsalves, “you dirty b***h” during an encounter in Kingstown during which Gonsalves said Farrell gave his daughter-in-law a “blackmail” letter.
She pleaded not guilty to an abusive language charge arising from the alleged incident.
The prime minister said that the “blackmail letter” has a lot of “nastiness” in it.
“A set of defamatory — a mountain of lies and abuse; just sickening,” he said.
Gonsalves said that Farrell had also delivered blackmail letters to his and Camillo’s office.
“The envelope in which that document was [delivered] is still in the possession of the staff here (Office of the Prime Minister). And the person who received it knows who delivered it. Knows the individual, the same individual who delivered it. Why don’t people just get basic facts,” the prime minister said Thursday in a call to Shake-up on WE-FM.
As caring adults and patriots, we must be accountable to the young people within our society; I would be the first to say how difficult it could at times to understand the differences within our generation gaps. Nevertheless, we also have to embrace changes by understanding individuals uniqueness and challenges.
The fact that we all cannot be of the same mind, body and soul and expose to the same opportunities within the community. I am holding the PM to his commitment that this gifted young lady obtains all she requires to achieve her desired goals. I understand the young progressive mind, as we were all once at her gullible stage, like her, we had dreams as we looked to the unknown over the horizon of SVG. Let’s support Yugge Farrell on a positive journey. >>>. Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come. We Love U Yugge!
Elma you have missed the point, it’s about a vulnerable young lady who presumably has been exploited by the powerful dynasty in St Vincent. Then he is protected by his kit and kin is the crux of the matter. The are the same politicians who want to lead us in hell. All VincentIan having a sense of justice must say no to all forms if exploitation and servitude by the decendents of massa.
What VincentIans need most badly is a mental revolution to rid their minds of the scars of the past which still make us reverend the decendents of the plantocracy. They are the very ones that still hold on to their privileged past and hand out trinkets during election time to scuttle real democracy. Unfortunately we fall for it because we are a gullible people. They have studied us well and that is the reason why they that have the correct dosage of medicine to make our minds feeble. It is synonymous to a charmer dangling a piece ofor meat to a hungry dog. My people my people why are we in such a slumber, why are we in such a mental state of unconsciousness. Wake up and live ad Bob Marley said.
AL you are quite right, it all goes back to when the Portuguese Antonio Gonsalves gave beads and trinkets to poor Africans, then snatched them up and enslaved them. Same thing different time, the beads are now building materials and bottles of rum, T shirts and money in envelopes.
Now comes the crocodile tears! Pathetic, absolutely pathetic! […] This is not the first time we see the crocodile tears from this man. Glad that many Vincentians do not fall for this. Who was that guy that used to be on the radio exposing things about the Gonsalves Government and after he died Gonsalves went to the funeral and tried to give a crocodile speech and the people were outraged?
I wonder if this sort of behaviour gives this man joy? His son should have just paid the money.
Would this be the hush money from the blackmail? hmmmmmm this thing gets more curious keep talking PM the truth will flow soon
Elma what appears as reverse psychology under your hand would look like a note written by the Dynasty press secretary.
The alleged letters of demands by this lady if true are not necessarily blackmail letters, it’s for a court to determine that, not for papa to make that determination
Now if this dynasty family problem had not arisen and this lady had not accused the dynasty next in line PM of having a sexual relationship with her, would she still be offered a University place, I would say not.
So therefore seeing as such being linked as it is to the dynasty, it must be for the dynasty to pay for that not the state. The dynasty must pay for anything this girl is to be given, house, education, bank balance in her account, or nothing but a spell or two in the mental home, the dynasty must pay it all.
But my real problem is it all sounds like bribery to alter the course of common justice. Making the public statement about a university education preempts any one saying that later,
This all seems a matter of too little, too late.
It is obvious this matter in the interest of the dynasty is best kept out of the court because all will be revealed and that could bring to an end the dynasty and the loss of its plantation called Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
So if the young lady can be sidetracked and terrified by the mental institution affair, she may become more putty like at the hands of the dynasty.