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Opposition Leader Dr. Godwin Friday. (iWN file photo)
Opposition Leader Dr. Godwin Friday. (iWN file photo)
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Leader of the Opposition and President of the New Democratic Party (NDP) Godwin Friday is attending the International Democrat Union (IDU) Party Leaders Meeting 2018 in Salamanca and Madrid, Spain.

The NDP says that Friday will participate in the meeting in his capacity as NDP president and Vice Chair of the Caribbean Democrat Union (CDU) with responsibilities for policy and external affairs.

The event will be hosted by “Partido Popular” in Spain and will discuss matters of global peace and security, economic development and freedom and democracy.

Friday said it is important for the Caribbean to be represented at such high-level meetings where opportunities to address issues such as climate change and sustainable development are made possible.

The IDU is a working association of over 80 political parties worldwide.

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NDP vice-president and Member of Parliament for Central Kingstown, St. Clair Leacock, will act as party president in Friday’s absence.

Friday will return to St. Vincent and the Grenadines today, Feb. 21.