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Sir Vincent Beache at a Unity Labour Party event in April 2018. (iWN photo)
Sir Vincent Beache at a Unity Labour Party event in April 2018. (iWN photo)

The opposition New Democratic Party (NDP) on Monday expressed condolences on the death of former Member of Parliament, Sir Vincent Ian Beache, who died at his home in Spring Estate at age 87.

Sir Vincent was Leader of the Opposition at one stage during the NDP’s 17 years in office and went on the lead the Unity Labour Party while it was in opposition.

The NDP said in a statement that it was “with great sadness” that they learnt of the death of the former minister of national security.

“Sir Vincent was a notable politician who served this country with merit in several capacities over the years, including that of opposition leader, minister of government and leader of the SVLP and then the ULP,” the NDP said.

“His service in public life span a period of 47 years from 1972 – 2019. That is a legacy that cannot be ignored. We express our condolences to his family and friends.  May his soul rest in eternal peace,” the statement added.

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Sir Vincent retired from electoral politics in 2005 after one term in office under the ULP administration. 

After that, he went on to serve for 10 years as advisor to the minister of national security.

He died at his home in Spring Estate around 3:10 a.m. Monday after a period of illness, said to have been associated with prostate problems.  

6 replies on “‘Sir Vincent was a notable politician’ — NDP”

  1. It’s all very well being nice about people when they die. But looking at what this man did to us must be the first consideration. He helped sell the Labour Party to the MNU and brought us Ralph Gonsalves. He was a long term helper of the Gonsalves/Francis dynasty and was rewarded for all of that with a knighthood.

    He was paid millions of EC dollars over the years to be on government committees, act as an adviser to Ralph Gonsalves, directorships in State Corporations, all of which took away jobs that would have been available to several younger people.

    I for one will not miss him at all. They say only the good die young, he certainly was not young.

    There is also an old saying “never speak ill of the dead” So I will not say anything nasty about him.

  2. Is this not one and the same fellow who was so energetically championing that FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BILL and equally so vigorously promised us its total implementation, once the ULP had gained office in 2001?

    Well Jolly Green, have all here forgotten that non-delivery or the various non-jobs that was created by the regime so as to keep this individual well financed out of the Vincentian Taxpayers Coffers?

  3. The way a Man live is how a man will die.even a man try to live like a god he will die a man because he is a man.l can say politically l did not agree with Sir Vincent when he decided to team up with the MNU and the way that they removed a democratic government true violence.and his government fired 1500 poor people.but Sir Vincent I forgive you.beacuse l realize you were under the influence of one of the biggest fool in St Vincent he goes buy the name HASHTAG . I know you can’t handle the truth and democratic expression.l am Mr Mac that is my dam son of SATAN if you have nothing constructive to say shot to hell up political dag.

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