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Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves as he made the announcement in Parliament on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves as he made the announcement in Parliament on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
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Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves says his government will offer 100% duty free concession on omnibuses that will work the night shift.

He said the government has made the decision because of the increasing number of persons having to travel after 6 p.m. — at nights and early morning, such as nurses, and workers at restaurants and hotels.

He told Parliament today (Tuesday) that the need arises as the service sector has grown so much and sometimes workers face problems getting to and from work at night.

The prime minister said these buses will be given a special number plate and would be barred from working regular hours.

“And hopefully also, … they can do work when the cruise ships and the like and particular occasions but they would not be allowed — the idea is they can’t compete unfairly with people during the day who pay their full extent of their duties and the like,” Gonsalves told lawmakers at the end of the sitting.

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“But I want to mark that down as a public policy. And there’s some details to be worked out but for persons to begin to think about purchasing vehicles of that type,” Gonsalves said.  

“So, I think that would make for a very good addition,” he further stated. 

9 replies on “Gov’t offering 100% concession on night shift buses”

  1. Are there sufficient riders to make a night shift with daytime restriction viable? He’s talking as if he is presiding over an orderly society and as if there will be a palate for intelligently policing this.

    Instead of this kind of hot and sweaty darning and patching on a tattered garment, he should be studying how to provide a proper public transportation system that would inspire and motivate the private players to up their game.

    Transportation is only one of the ‘unnegotiables’ in any functioning economy that intends to work in a sustainable manner without perpetually begging alms as a way of life. It cuts through all sectors.

  2. Lennox Lampkin says:

    This should be the case for all public transportation. This is not feasible in a 9-5 economy as ours!

  3. They cannot control the mini buses in the day time, how the hell they will at night, if they do be sure they prepare a MASSIVE HOLE in the grave yard ready for their customers, I sopped that would be a way of reducing the population

  4. Jaydon Jackson says:

    Can enough money be made working nights for maintenance, insurance and a conductor? Why didn’t he st least include Saturdays, Sundays or both. Fools talk don’t mean fools listen.

  5. Donald De Riggs says:

    JJ hit the nail square on the head. Improve transport especially on Sundays. Locals will visit Dark View falls, River 14 and Owia Salt pond and even la Soufriere if they know that a reliable service is available, this Sunday service will greatly assist church goers, security guards and most importantly our nurses. Then again once the Sunday service is available, ppl can visit their relatives in rural areas knowing that they won’t have an issue getting home Sunday evening or night. The proposed night service is suspect and is not feasible with the lack of cinemas and nighttime entertainment spots. In Barbados the cut off time for bus service is midnight and 11pm to some districts and resumes around 5:00AM.


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