“No unauthorised media personnel” will be allowed in Parliament during the Budget Address today (Monday), Clerk of the House Assembly, Deborah Alexander-Charles has said.
The address will be delivered at the temporary parliament building in Glen this afternoon for the first time.
Alexander-Charles advised the media in a Jan. 5 note sent via the Agency For Public Information (API), that there will be insufficient floor space within the assembly chamber to accommodate all media personnel seeking to take photographs or video recordings for private or professional use.
“In the circumstances, no unauthorised media personnel would be allowed inside the House of Assembly Chamber to take photographs or to record video footage on the opening day of Budget, 2024,” Alexander-Charles said.
She did not say how media personnel are to receive such authorisation or who are the authorised media personnel.
Charles, however, said that media representatives will have “every opportunity to take photos of the parade and related activities outside the House of Assembly Chamber”.
She further said that the API will be responsible for providing “live coverage of the event and photographs.
“The live feed would be accessible via API, cable channel 116, VC3 114, NBC Radio, and their associated Social Media platforms,” Charles said.
The API, which habitually sends press releases to the media without any photographs, did not indicate in its email communicating Charles’s note how or when the photographs would be accessible to the media.
Here we go , the communistic actions are starting to show its face more boldly.
Show them what they need to know , and that’s all.
Perhaps the government would be well served with a change in personnel responsible for providing strategic communications advice. It would appear that they are not receiving the caliber of counsel one would expect.