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By Unity Labour Party


Over the last 23 years, thus far, the Unity Labour Party (ULP) government under the leadership of Comrade Ralph has been conceptualising, sourcing concessional loans and grant funds for capital projects, and implementing massive, unprecedented capital programmes within the overall framework of a compelling developmental narrative designed to uplift lives, living, and production in SVG for all!

Despite all the resource challenges and limitations inherent in a small, vulnerable, multi-island nation and its legacies of underdevelopment historically, the ULP government has led this country magnificently.  We have done so by enhancing our nation’s strengths and possibilities and embracing an efficacious solidarity with our friends and allies overseas in every material particular.

Out of all this, the ULP has delivered monumental iconic capital programmes and projects (physical and non-physical) inclusive of the Argyle International and Canouan Jet airports; the Education, Health, Housing, Water, Telecoms, Electricity, Sporting, and Cultural Revolutions; the Rabacca Bridge; the Modern Medical and Diagnostic Centre; the Modern Port Project; Agriculture and Fisheries initiatives.  In conjunction with the private and cooperative sectors, our government has further ensured the development of non-state capital projects such as Sandals Hotel, Myah Suites and Hotel Alexandrina, telecommunications advances (Digicel and Flow), and so forth.

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Currently, there are huge state-driven capital projects underway. Let us summarise this unprecedented, historic explosion of capital works.


The list of some major infrastructure projects currently being done in SVG includes:

  1. The Port Modernisation Project costing some EC$650 million.
  2. The Sandy Bay Sea Defence Project costing over EC$40 million.
  3. The Diamond Multi-Purpose Centre costing EC$1.5 million.
  4. The Sir Vincent Beache Stadium at Diamond costing nearly EC$30 million ($10 million is being spent this year for further roll-out).
  5. Rehabilitation of nine schools (CDB-financed) costing some EC$40 million.
  6. Arrowroot Revitalisation Project (modern factory at Orange Hill) — estimated cost EC$7 million.
  7. Massive on-going Road Construction and Rehabilitation Programme all across SVG, including the following five bundles:
  1. Feeder Road Improvements costing in 2024 EC$5.4 million financed by a grant from the 11th European Development Fund.
  2. Road Rehabilitation project financed by a soft-loan from Taiwan of EC$121 million ($40 million being spent this year).
  3. National Disaster Management Roads and Buildings finance by a soft-loan from the CDB of over EC$75 million (EC$20 million being spent this year).
  4. Construction of Secondary, Village and Feeder Roads at a cost of nearly EC$90 million financed by soft-loans from Kuwaiti Fund and OFID.  The contractor KDL, which has been underperforming, pledges to complete all their contracted road works by the end of 2024.
  5. Multiple roads being rehabilitated or repaired by BRAGSA (appropriate cost from its annual subvention, EC$10 million).
  1. Improvement to Arnos vale Sporting complex at a cost of EC$38 million.
  2. Diamond Hotel Project costing EC$135 million.
  3. Housing Programmes of all kinds totalling EC$25 million.
  4. Volcanic Eruption Emergency Project (VEEP): EC$18 million being spent in 2024, financed by soft-loan from World Bank-IDA.


Below is a list of major non-physical projects actually underway:

  1. SET programme financed by Taiwan annually: EC$2.5 million.
  2. Capitalisation of the Contingency Fund: EC$14 million in 2024 (currently the Fund has over EC$60 million for the “rainy days).
  3. ON-SITE Programme for 2024: EC$1.4 million.
  4. Human Development Project financed by World Bank-IDA at a cost of EC$27.7 million: EC$5 million for 2024.
  5. COVID-19 Response Programme (Health and Social Safety Net Needs): EC$2.7 million for 2024 financed by a CDB soft-loan.
  6. Caribbean Digital Transformation Programme (World Bank-IDA soft-loan of EC$80 million) — allocation for 2024: EC$22 million.
  7. Various Capital Support Programmes in Education from several sources amounting to nearly EC$20 million in 2024.
  8. Farmers’ Support Revolving Fund: EC$1.3 for 2024.
  9. Various capital programmes to support fisheries: In excess of EC$6 million in 2024.
  10. Land Purchases by government: over EC$5 million for 2024.
  11. Fleet Expansion (Purchase of vehicles) for Police: EC$1.5 million for 2024.


Further, there are major capital programmes (physical and non-physical) amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in the process of being rolled out.  These include: 

  1. The Acute Care Hospital at Arnos Vale: EC$300 million.
  2. Polyclinics and Clinics across SVG funded by soft loans from the Saudi Fund amounting to some EC$40 million.
  3. Joint Venture for the construction of Marriott Hotel at Mt. Wynne (contribution from government: EC$135 million from a Taiwan soft loan).
  4. Modern Parliament Project: EC$22 million – soft loan from Taiwan.
  5. Modern High Court Project: EC$28 million-soft loan from Taiwan.
  6. Little Tokyo Bus Terminal Redevelopment: EC$7 million, mainly from ALBA Bank.
  7. Georgetown Market over $2 million (including the price of land) financed mainly by a grant from Taiwan.
  8. Sandy Bay Secondary School at Orange Hill financed by a soft loan of EC$12 million from CDB.
  9. Educational, Cultural, Artistic, Production Hub at Belle Vue, Rose Hall, and Petit Bordel: EC$27 million financed by soft loan from Saudi Fund.
  10. Park Hill Educational, Cultural, and Wellness Centre: EC$3 million, a grant from Taiwan.
  11. Blue Economy Project, including component for Agriculture and Fisheries of EC$27 million for 2024.


Additionally, there is a multiplicity of smaller capital projects across all ministries, sectors, and geographical areas underway costing millions of dollars.


The total budget for 2024 is EC$1.6 billion of which EC$1.045 billion is for recurrent spending and EC$570 million for the capital budget.  The recurrent spending (especially in wages, salaries, social protection, delivery of various services of the government, etc.) helps to keep the economy and society (lives, living, and production) ticking over.


Further to the above, the principal state entities (statutory bodies and publicly-owned companies) add to the expenditure (recurrent and capital).  Everyone knows of the vital contributions in these respects of entities such as VINLEC, CWSA, NIS, National Lotteries, National Properties, AIA, BOSVG, Agricultural Input Warehouse, NTRC, SVGCC, SVG Port Authority, Kingstown Board, National Parks and Beache Authority, and so forth. 


There is absolutely no doubt that the ULP government has been successfully delivering bountiful outcomes for the people of SVG in every material respect.  Of course, there is still work to be done; we have not reached Mt. Zion yet.  Meanwhile, the opposition NDP instigates a complaints industry from which it gets no traction outside of its core base and a handful of internet crazies.  The NDP even blames the ULP government when there is a drought: Their major complaint then is that we are responsible for not bringing the rain! They are a complete waste of time.

The opinions presented in this content belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect the perspectives or editorial stance of iWitness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

One reply on “Big capital project on-going in SVG”

  1. Notwithstanding everything you bragging about here there is still a very high unemployment rate. Your big projects are all contingent on imported workers. After 23 years you should have been a little bit closer to Mt. Zion. Gwaan, You could fool some people some of the time.

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