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A fire in Level Garden/Kingstown Park on April 26, 2024, laid bare the state of the fire-fighting service in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, notwithstanding the country’s accomplishments regionally and internationally. 

18 replies on “VIDEO: State of fire-fighting in SVG exposed ”

  1. Stephen Gabriel says:

    Kenton, after 5 minutes, I haven’t seen such unprofessional work by a fire department or workers. Why not invest in the necessary tools that would get the work done in a matter of minutes. As a matter of fact, they should only need to be making connections to complete the task. This is utter incompetence from the top to the bottom and a wonton disregard for people’s property. A lawsuit would be in order. Shamefull.

    1. It seems the men did the best they could with the resources they had to work with. Unfortunately, the fight here seems to be between them and the pipe, not them and the fire.
      Installing fire hydrants is definitely above their pay grade though, so hopefully this video is seen by the responsible personnel and action is taken for improvement.

  2. nancysauldemers says:

    Ay, yi, yi!!! What will happen to property insurance rates if & when any insurance company representatives see this? Not to mention the helpless feelings the homeowners and neighbours must experience as this lack of capacity is so clearly displayed on so many levels…

  3. St. Vincent should have fire hydrants places maybe every 200 meters throughout communities so when stuff like this happens they can access water . What kinda of foolishness is this trying to cut a pipe to get water to put out a fire . Suppose this was serious . Suppose there was people trapped in that house and it was life and death . They didn’t come to save a house , they came to out the ashes . What a shame . Shame on the department and the government

  4. So at that point they trying to make a water connection ,from day 1 hydrants suppose to be at difderent areas in and around the country to avoid all this nonsense and complete lost of properties

  5. Lafleur Francis says:

    This is total nonsense so when them are finish the house will burnt to the ground
    Vincy that living in Bim

  6. Lafleur Francis says:

    This is total nonsense in this day age
    When those guys are finish the house will burn to the ground
    Wow vincy that living in Bim

  7. Joseph Willy says:

    Sir I am a Vincentian and I hope no one here expect anyone to be positive about this ,somewhere in the late 60s or early 70s fire fighting water lines and hidrents were laid in and around kingstown and some of its environments and was connected to the old reservoir at kingstown Park area that use to supply most of kingstown and was abandon I KNOW those lines reach up to Frenches and down to the hospital back street and middle street ,those lines and the water was exclusively for fire fighting ,I can go on put will stop at this point ,only to say that when a fire is raging and the fire brigade is called we expect that when they finally arrive they come to assist with putting the fire out that is not the time to be fixing pipe lines whit little or no water pressure in them,thank you for your reporting and the video .

  8. Well, the protective attire of at least two firefighters is on point. That has to count for something… I wish the householders all the best in the aftermath of this event.

    This is reporting that ought to intrude upon one’s thoughts when called upon to soak up and take comfort in lofty speeches, announcements and pronouncements that bespeak progress.

  9. Stephen Roberts says:

    This is a big embarrassment for svg. In this day and age I can’t believe that this actually happened and very close to Kingstown at that where they should have the necessary tools at their disposal. smh.

  10. Joseph Willy says:

    I also have to wonder if the reporter and most people looking at the video heard the opening sentence to the video which raise another very important and embarrassing point , ( I give up on svg for the last twenty three or more years so i am no longer surprise just ashamed ) The reporter said that he intended to do a live broadcast but the mobile signal is pretty weak … he is ” just outside of kingstown ( Kingstown Park) our capital city ” … but the ” phone reception ” ( just outside of kingstown no or weak phone signal well people soon you will once again be asked to give your thumbs up and affirm that you are quite happy with this ,sure you are , dance ,people this is your music playing .

  11. Jesus help us living in a place like ST V where we are now bringing tourist into the island.I hope this open their eyes.Emergency is now incompetence and unprofessional.I wonder when the leader of the ULP see this what are his comments.They can have big celebration for 23 years of good governance and buildings are burning to the ground without their input.Total incompetence.

  12. Take warning says:

    Edna , in my opinion the health service is the same, as one said to me that the doctors do not have experience and are incompetent..

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