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Arnos Vale Hospital signing
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The Taiwanese company awarded the contract to construct the acute referral hospital at Arnos Vale prioritises employing local workers, the Taiwan Embassy in Kingstown said on Monday.

“OECC prioritizes employing local workers, aiming to create job opportunities and assist in training skilled labours within Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,” the embassy said in a press release.

“Adhering to this mission, OECC plans to employ both skilled and non-skilled local labourers, for the construction of Arnos Vale Acute Care Hospital in SVG,” the embassy said.

On July 26, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Taiwanese firm, Overseas Engineering & Construction Co. (OECC) to begin the construction of the new hospital.

Fiona Huei Chun Fan, ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), witnessed the signing ceremony along with Minister of Health St. Clair Prince, Minister of Education Curtis King, who is also MP for West St. George, where the hospital will be located.

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Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Cuthbert Knights and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Simone Keizer-Beache also witnessed the signing.

Speaking at the signing ceremony at Cabinet Room, Kingstown, Gonsalves said he looks forward to the hospital being completed in less than 32 months after construction begins.

The prime minister thanked Taiwan for the rapid mobilisation of OECC’s team and for providing soft loans to meet the urgent needs of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

During her remarks, Fiona Huei Chun Fan described the construction of the hospital as a testament to Taiwan’s mutual commitment with SVG to the health and well-being of Vincentians.

She emphasised that infrastructural development is one of the pillars of the bilateral relationship.

“This new hospital creates another shining example following the resounding success of Rabacca Bridge, the National Library and the terminal building of Argyle International Airport.”

Fan also anticipated that the OECC team will collaborate with local workers to complete the hospital.

Meanwhile, Prince highlighted the importance of the new hospital, noting that it will significantly enhance SVG’s ability to respond to major public health challenges and improve resilience to climate change.

He also extended his gratitude to the government and people of Taiwan.

The embassy said OECC is a global construction firm with extensive experience in building major infrastructure projects.

“OECC has provided high-quality services in the past in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and has recently completed hospital projects in the region.”

The government has said that the new medical facility would provide specialised services in cardiology, dialysis and urology.

The Milton Cato Memorial Hospital will be transformed into a maternal child and health centre once the state-of-the-art acute care hospital opens. 

4 replies on “Taiwanese firm awarded hospital contract prioritises local workers – embassy”

  1. Pretty looking, all these things are but as long as Ralph Gonsalves remain PM it is more wool over the eyes of the population. ULP hopes to be in power till 2050 and beyond. They will do anything to make themselves look like sheep while they are the wolves. Do you think people living in Taiwan care about the people in SVG?

  2. Take warning says:

    Never heard about smart hospital and foolish hospital, acute referral hospital and chronic referral hospital, LOL. Where will the patients be referred to? To the carribean, North America, Europe, Russia, venezuela, Nicaragua , or which other country? Please refer me to Europe because will be certain of my heart and kidney transplant . ar yo deserve the Nobel prize for words to wok on people minds _mind bending.

  3. What exactly did we sign with OECC ? Is it a Memorandum of Understanding or a binding Contract?

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