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Homicide investigation 2

A 22-year-old man was shot and killed around 9 p.m. outside the Kingstown Park house where his 42-year-old girlfriend lived.

The dead man has been identified as Jamari Prince, who is originally from Layou.

His girlfriend, who was with him at the time, was shot in the right leg and was taken to hospital.

Her condition is not known to iWitness News at the time.

Prince died at the scene, becoming the country’s 29th homicide victim this year.

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His death is the second killing in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in less than a week.

On Aug. 19, Rakim Matthews, of Greiggs was shot and killed around 9 p.m. in the South Central Windward community, allegedly after an argument with another man.

Douglas Baptiste, also of Greiggs, has been charged with murder in connection with Matthews’ death and is in prison awaiting the commencement of a preliminary inquiry on Oct. 15. 

7 replies on “Man, 22, killed while going home with woman, 42”

  1. Is there a blight, a curse on this place ? or it it because me na believe in God but me go call God name fo get wa me want ? In my opinion the devil and demons in control.

  2. Absolutely crazy. Since the vaccine put in person it seems like people are being controlled by some sort of evil entity to go around and killed. This is happening a lot in the Caribbean. This was the whole ideas for the vaccine was to kill off black peoples with the help of the vaccine is killing one another. They even trying to kill Congo with Mpox. I wish people would open their eyes and see what going on. Black peoples are strong and to get rid of us is to take over the world.
    The PM said the population is going down. Yes by this much killing. This is the whole idea.

  3. The killing goes on unabated. What is the solution? Does gun kills or people? Imagine one cannot safely navigate the roads for fear. What the killers fear most is being caught. The probability of being caught is non existent. Is there a reason to upheld the constitution? Should one pay for for capital crimes? If not why not?

  4. This is a problem that is getting worst not better because a minority of young men decides to create chaos and havoc on young Vincentian men as themselves via gang or retribution warfare. This is mayhem for a majority of Vincentians who want to live a peaceful and enjoyable life despite all the odds.
    My question is what is the government and the police force going to do about it?
    Where is the effort by the justice minister getting a hold of the parties for a solution to this problem? Seems like St Vincent is rotting by the day because of these thugs being allowed to roam and destroying this beautiful island and what little reputation left.
    Rise up Vincy. We deserve better than this.
    Demand action now.

  5. People kill in Vincy because it’s so EASY to get away with it…

    Murder should receive automatic LIFE SENTENCE OR DEATH PENALTY… look how fast crime rates decrease .. hence improving tourism ..

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