ST. VINCENT:- Bridgette “Joy-C’” Creese successfully fended off ten men to retain her title as national calypso monarch when the finals of that competition came off at Victoria Park Sunday night.
Joy-C, the sole female in the competition, won the judges’ nod with her powerful numbers “Think” and “The Cries of the Grand”.
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Second place went to Robert ‘Patches’ King whose “Whey The Good People Gone” and “The Predator” won him his highest ranking in his many attempts to win the crown.
Third position went to three-time calypso monarch Kenneth “The Vibrating Scakes” Allenye who sang “Tremors” and “Amnesia”.
Joy-C,a former Queen of Calypso who won the national title for the first time in 2001, repeated the feat last year when she returned to the art form after a four-year hiatus in which she successfully battles stomach cancer.
The other finalists, in descending order of their placement Sunday night, were: Fitzroy “Brother Ebony” Joseph, Glenroy “Sulle” Ceasar, Maxwell “Tajoe” Francis, Alexis “Lexi” Joseph, Grantley “Ipa” Constance, Ralph “Struggler” Richards, Robby “Saharo” Hackshaw, and, Michael “Bosalt” Daniel.