ST. VINCENT: – The opposition New Democratic Party’s (NDP) candidate for West St. George, Vynnette Fredrick, says and NDP administration will implement a programme dubbed “Doctor at your Door”.
“In going through this constituency, a suggestion was made to me to launch a programme called Doctor at Your Door, where the people who need medical attention and check up and need to be looked at, who cannot get to a clinic, the doctor will come to you free of charge, free of cost,” Frederick said.
“This is something that I think is necessary where we have chronic ailments like diabetes wreaking havoc throughout this constituency. I mean it is something that is widespread throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines,’ she said at an NDP rally in West St. George on Tuesday, Sept. 5.
Frederick further said that area representative Mike Browne, of the ruling Unity Labour Party (ULP), has failed the constituents. (Go to the homepage to subscribe to I Witness-News)
Browne will not contest the next general elections – due by March 2011 – for health reasons and is being replaced by insurance executive Cecil McKie.
“It is an admission that Unity Labour Party supporters are sad to have to make, but they make it. … The simple things are not being done,” said Frederick, who is contesting elections for the first time.
“Since when patching a road is rocket science? Since when it’s such an impossible thing to happen? Since the ULP! Since when trimming overhanging branches from trees and casting them away; since when that is the most difficult thing to accomplish? Since the ULP,” said Frederick, a lawyer.
These things that used to happen as a matter of course in a New Democratic Party government, all of a sudden people trying g to figure out how to get it done. Why? Because there is no method to the madness that has been taking place in this constituency,” the NDP public relations officer added. (Follow I Witness-News on Facebook)
“We, the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, are our best hope for moving this country forward. We, the people, must hold on to the New Democratic Party Leadership, those persons who are saying, as I am saying, give me chance to properly represent you, so that we can pull this country forward and pull this country out of the rut it is in,” she said.
“Things have deteriorated to a point where it is so bad that normal standards of what is bad ten years ago is now acceptable to us. … What more needs to happen in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for us to realise that the Unity Labour Party is incapable of insuring progress for every Vincentian regardless of their politics. What more needs to fall apart?” she said.
The Dr. Ralph Gonsalves led ULP came to office in March 2001, after 17 years of continuous NDP rule.
The ULP also won the December 2005 general elections 12 seats to the NDP’s three in the 15-member Parliament, a repeat of the 2001 general elections results.