KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, May 27, IWN – The implication of fuel subsidies for airlines in the Caribbean and the feasibility of providing a fast ferry service in the southern Caribbean are on the agenda as the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) holds its 43rd Special Meeting here from today — Monday — to Wednesday.
Prime Minister Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves, who is lead prime minister with responsibility for transportation in CARICOM, is hosting the talks, which begin at 9 a.m. at the National Insurance Services Confernece Room in Kingstown.
Gonslaves, who is also chair of shareholder governments of regional airline LIAT, has complained that the fuel subsidy that Port-of-Spain gives Trinidad and Tobago’s Caribbean Airline (CAL) contravense the CARICOM Treaty and puts LIAT at a disadvantage.
The COTED Ministers of Transportation meeting, which is slated to be chaired by the Gonsalves on Wednesday, will be preceded by a meeting of officials today.
The meetign will also discuss better co-ordination between airlines in the region in order to provide a better service, and unresolved issues relating to the Caribbean Air Navigation and Advisory Services (CANAS).
Among other matters, the meeting will also look at the feasibility of the establishment of a single air space in CARICOM, agreement on new CARICOM multi-lateral air services agreement, strategic plan for transportation and transportation for agriculture produce.
I hope the 18cents a gallon fuel for Venezuelan airlines, our Gonsalves chosen air partner, I hope this is raised at the meeting.
We must stop attacking those who are successful and join with them, amalgamate LIAT with CA, or simply sell LIAT on the stock market, I would be a buyer of a half dozen penny shares.
We are becoming known now not just as two faced, led by two faced politicians, but multi faced led by a multifaced regime.
What influence has ALBA on this meeting Via Gonsalves?
This little piggy went to market!