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Thousands of people attended the annual St Vincent and the Grenadines Unity picnic on Saturday, July 20, at the Brown’s Bay Provincial Park in the Thousand Islands area of Ontario, Canada.

Attendees included Vincentians in Canada as well as expats from other Caribbean countries.

The annual picnic tradition began several years ago at the same venue and is a collaborative effort between the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Associations of Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.

Many persons used the event as a reunion and took the opportunity to update themselves about developments within the Vincentian community in Canada and at home.

The event was a day of fun for children and adults alike, with landside sporting activities complemented by fun onboard jet skis and other watercraft.

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The Vincy picnic is held annually on the third Saturday of July.

2 replies on “Thousands attend Vincy Unity picnic in Canada”

  1. Bond.........James Bond says:

    While I had a day of fun, and enjoyment at the picnic, debating in politics, and reminiscing with friends and relatives whom I haven’t seen in several years, I was deeply disturbed by a vicious rumour which started by a depraved and cold hearted individual who conveyed a message via internet causing many Vincentians to stay away from the park. This rumour stated that “Immigration” will be inspecting everyone’s ID’s at the park, and anyone found living in Canada without legal documentation will be immediately deported. This rumour may have well been caused by a a sick person (who maybe, was once illegal him/herself and is now legal). I will simple state this, being legally documented in a Country doesn’t make a person superior towards anyone who is illegal in that Country. Sometimes, if given a chance, an illegal person turns out to be much more successful than many who have been citizens of that country for decades. The only thing being legal does, is that it gives an opportunity and a peace of mind to the person who is legal, while it forces the person living illegally to live in fear. For those of us who are Citizens and residents of the USA, Canada and England, let’s considre ourselves fortunate, and bless, not special so let us live and allow our brothers and sisters to live..

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