Opposition Leader Arnhim Eustace on Monday promised that he and his New Democratic Party would do what they can to help seek a resolution of the political stalemate in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Six of the 11 lawmakers in Basseterre who can vote on a motion of no confidence support such a motion against the Denzil Douglas government.
They have however failed since December to have such a motion debated.
Eustace, who wrote to Gonsalves on Monday asking him to intervene, decried the silence of the Vincentian leader on the issue.
Speaking on his weekly radio programme, he noted that Gonsalves came to office via the elections in 2001, called after CARICOM intervened in 2000 when there was political unrest in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, when Gonsalves was opposition leader.
Its a clear case of the old time scum that has risen to the top that requires flushing down the toilet.
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