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As the International Airport Development Company (IADC) continues construction work on the Argyle International Airport, the IADC is also continuing awareness work to ensure that all sectors of the Vincentian Society are ready to embrace this new airport.

To this end, the IADC will hosts the third in a series of Town Hall Meetings, geared at stimulating thought and action as persons are encouraged to be prepared to embrace the international airport.

This upcoming meeting takes place at the Sandy Bay Primary School, on Tuesday, Aug. 20, beginning at 7pm, under the theme: Preparing to embrace our international airport.

Facilitators include, Dr. Rudy Matthias, CEO/Chairman of the IADC, who will focus on investment opportunities in and around the airport. Montgomery Daniel, area representative, Minister of Housing and former Minister of Agriculture, he will look at the Agricultural Industry and how it can benefit from the new airport. Neisha Glasgow from the CED, she will look at Business Development and funding, Simeon Bacchus, SVG Standards Bureau-Implementing standards in the Cottage Industry and Hayden Billingy, formerly of National Parks, now Coordinator of the UNDP GEF Small Grants programme. He will tackle the issue of Beautification and the Environment.

Presentations will be followed by questions and general discussion. There will also be cultural performances from the Garifuna Dance Company.

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The IADC sees it as essential that people are made aware of what is expected of them and offer some guidance as to how to proceed so that they are in a better position to take advantage of the opportunities which will come from the operation of an international airport in this country, and is taking the lead in this regard.

Two other town hall meetings have already been held in Kingstown and Stubbs.

Jennifer Richardson
IADC Communications officer

2 replies on “IADC to host town hall meeting in Sandy Bay”

  1. The elections are coming, people are running scared at IADC, they fear for their jobs.

    I guess its time to fill the Sandy Bay people up with the promises of work at the airport. The same promises as have been given to Georgetown, Colonarie and Three Rivers.

    The airport may generate about 350 jobs in total for locals. It only scratches the surface of our employment problems.

    There will also be a whole host of foreigners working there, doing the work that should be earmarked for Vincentians.

    If they fail to get the international flights there will be only a handful of jobs for Vincentians.

    Sandy Bay ask if you will be affected by noise pollution from aircraft take off and over-fly.

    They should be told that to even be considered for a job they must be ULP members holding a party card. If their ULP representative says you not ULP, forget it no job Bob.

    Even the trucks at the airport had ULP stickers all over them, when Ferrari wrote in his article and showed the photo’s I was pleased because I had mentioned it as a comment on IWN a few weeks back, and got silly online comments for doing so.

    They will also have a collection for the airport, so don’t go to the meeting and embarrass yourselves by going with empty pockets. Take your cheque books, credit cards and savings.

    I will be there wearing a red carnation, look out for me, because I will tell you the truth.

    By the way why not Kalinago dancers, there are no Garifuna.

  2. Shouldn’t all these town meetings taken place BEFORE the project got off the ground? Yes, I understand the need to update folks about the project, but I get the sense, these town meetings are still in the mode of selling the project to the masses. Given all the LIES ABOUT THE COMPLETION DATE and histrionics about the airport , its not surprising if any enthusiasm that was there for the airport has wane to the point of panic.; hence these town meetings.

    By the way, shouldn’t the issues raised by the Honorable St Clair Leacock in the last session of Parliament be part of the discussions at these town meetings? There seem to be a narrow focus on Commerce and aesthetics and while these things are important in the grand scheme; so are the issues raised by Mr Leacock.

    Is there an Airport Emergency response plan…are the relevant personnel in training at the moment or are we going to wait at the last minute like LIAT to train personnel? Do the medical facilities in the vicinity of the Airport need upgrading? Do the Coast Guard need upgrading? I think Mr Leacock raised some pertinent questions that need to be discussed in the public domain…the response by Gonsalves to Mr Leacock questions in relation to the airport, was the epitome of asinine.

    …when is the next completion date again…December 2014? And is this for the Terminal building or the entire airport?…lawd put ah hand.

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