A delegation from the Association for Conservation of Threatened Parrots (ACTP), is in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to meet with officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The visit, which runs until Saturday, is to update on the existing Parrot breeding conservation programme, and to hand over on Friday several pieces of equipment, to the Forestry Department and Community Based Organizations, to assist in the country’s National Parrot Protection Programme.
The ACTP is an established bird conservation organization working in several Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, African, Latin and South American countries for the protection of threatened parrots.
Could someone please ask this group studying out parrot [Amazona guildingii Vigors] if they also have any interest in our Dodo bird [Cubalover brownoserii Gonsalvesonia]. Our Dodo birds have many nasty habits that they may record and take home, and spread the word. This is a species that is truly nepotistic, some say its spiteful and full of natural malice, which they can compare with other varieties in Africa and elsewhere.
I hope that the delegation will be told about the damages that Parrots are causing to fruits and vegetables especially on farmers lands close to the interior. I have made several reports to the forestry department and it seems as if nothing is being done to address this problem. I have several golden apple trees and for the past 4 years I cannot reap any fruits. I would normally make in excess of $500.00 per tree per year. The parrots also feed on mango and hot peppers.
The parrot is indeed a beautiful bird, and one worth protecting. However, the damage they do to crops can surely make them be classified as pests.
Peter why not asks if these guys can help us to produce honey. This is a commodity that can be shipped to other countries and nations. Right now there is a rumours that China is producing artificial honey, so we can do some good business with the real thing.
The government should also send a few boat builders from SVG and Bequia to Australia, to learn how to build surf boards and other water craft products. This would come in handy when hundreds of tourists land at the Arnos Vale airport in 2020 or maybe sooner.
PVPALMER, SVG is the honey capital of the Eastern Caribbean. We have hundreds of hives and the apiary business is thriving.
If you look on supermarket shelves, you will find Vincentian honey everywhere, it’s delicious, I buy it.
We have an association here and the producers are doing a sterling job, they are individually exporting to other islands regionally.