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When the kidneys are no longer working effectively, waste products and fluid build up in the blood. Dialysis takes over a portion of the function of the failing kidneys to remove the fluid and waste. Dialysis is typically needed when about 90% or more of kidney function is lost. Early in the course of kidney disease, other treatments are used to help preserve kidney function and delay the need for replacement therapy.

Preparations for haemodialysis should be made at least several months be- fore it will be needed. In particular, you will need to have a procedure to create an “access” (described below) several weeks to months before haemodialysis begins, this creates a way for blood to be removed from the body, circulate through the dialysis machine, and then return to the body at

These access are called AV Fistula, Central venous catheter & Synthetic bridge graph. Dialysis monitoring is done by blood testings, body weight monitoring & access care. Side effects of haemodialysis. Most patients tolerate haemodialysis well. However, side effects of haemodialysis can occur. Low blood pressure is the most common complication and can be accompanied by light headed- ness, shortness of breath, abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, nausea, or vomiting. Most of these side effects can be managed if the patient carefully follows their healthcare team’s recommendations regarding diet and fluid intake.

Dialysis is a treatment that removes wastes

and excess fluid from your blood.

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In the early stages of chronic kidney dis- ease (CKD), you do not need dialysis. The stages of chronic kidney disease can last for many years. But if your kidneys fail, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to keep you alive.

It’s recommend you start dialysis when your kidney function drops to 15 per cnet or less or if you have severe symptoms caused by your kidney dis- ease, such as: shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea or vomiting.

UCE, Ca & Po4 are tests done to determine your renal function.

The chances that your kidneys will get better depend on what caused your kidney failure. Kidney failure is divided into two general categories, acute and chronic. Acute (or sudden) kidney failure is often temporary. In chronic kidney failure, the kidneys normally do not heal.

In haemodialysis, an artificial kidney (haemodialyzer) is used to remove waste and extra chemicals and fluid from your blood. To get your blood into the artificial kidney, the doctor needs to make an access (entrance) into your blood vessels. This is done by minor surgery.

Do dialysis patients feel normal?

Many patients live normal lives except for the time needed for treatments. Dialysis usually makes you feel better because it helps many of the problems caused by kidney failure. You and your family will needtime to get used to dialysis.

Do dialysis patients have to control their diets?

Yes. You may be on a special diet. You may not be able to eat everything you like, and you may need to limit how much you drink. Your diet may vary according to the type of dialysis.

Can dialysis Patients travel?

Yes. Dialysis centres are located in every part of the world. The treatment is standardized. You must make an appointment for dialysis treatments at another centre before you go. The staff at your centre may help you make the appointment.

Can dialysis patients continue to work?

Many dialysis patients can go back to work after they have gotten used to dialysis. If your job has a lot of physical labour (heavy lifting, digging, etc.), you may need to get a different job.

(Information provided by: — complied by Health Solutions Inc.)