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St. Vincent and the Grenadines is getting Mexican assistance to build capacity in the local fruit and vegetable sector.

Mexican vegetable consultant, Dr. Humberto Lopez Delgado, is visiting the country from Dec. 1 to 7 to provide training and advice in vegetable production.

Delgado comes from the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research in Mexico. His visit follows a request for technical assistance from this country’s Ministry of Agriculture to the government of Mexico.

While here, Delgado will train the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and farmers who produce vegetables in both open field and greenhouses. He will assess the current operations of the large greenhouse farmers and make recommendations targetting improved efficiency in vegetable production.

The visit ends on Friday with a meeting of all stakeholders to evaluate the fruit and vegetable sector and plan the way forward.

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The fruit and vegetable sector is one of the components of the BAM project, being funded by the European Union, to develop and modernize agriculture in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Under this component, greenhouse parks will be established to help address the production challenges faced by vegetable producers, including the seasonal nature of production.

The parks will be established in Mc Millan in the Montreal area, Dandrade in Orange Hill, and Richmond in North Leeward.

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