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4 replies on “Video: PM comments on dissemination of info on recall of Augustus”

  1. What I gather Gonsalves wanted to make the public believe was that Kenton and his son are buddies and they are in constant communication via the internet. Also that the PM calls Kenton and talks to him, perhaps feeds him information and stories.

    Its a nice interview Kenton, you kept at it, asking from an explanation, he obviously has decided not to abuse you for asking such in depth questions about why the information was so poor.

  2. No one is commenting on the fact that the PM acted immediately in this matter. Everyone is quick to point out what happened or what was supposed to happen. The fact is these are allegations, either truth or untruth, and these allegation did affect the country because the individual was acting as a representative of the country in a personal matter.
    The PM did HIS job as a leader and acted swiftly to preserve the integrity of his leadership. Like it or not, I thank the PM for doing a great job. Keep you the good work Comrade let the thank you for doing good.

  3. Patrick Ferrari says:

    Junior complained that, “No one is commenting on the fact that the PM acted immediately in this matter.” Then proceeds to tell us why no one is complaining. It is because, as he said, “The PM did HIS job as a leader and acted swiftly to preserve the integrity of his leadership.”

    I, like you Junior, appreciate his swiftness. But it was “to preserve the integrity of his leadership,” which again are your words. Preserving the integrity of his leadership is innate and not even a minimum requirement. Do not confuse that with, “the PM for doing a great job.”

    Junior, why did you “HIS” in capitals? You think he is Deity?

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