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Anesia Baptiste donates a Nebulizer on behalf of JEMS.
Anesia Baptiste donates a Nebulizer on behalf of JEMS.

The New York-based JEMS: Hope for Home donated five Nebulizer machines to health centres in Sion Hill, Calliaqua, Belair and

Ashton and Clifton, Union Island.

The donations form part of the work of JEMS with health clinics in SVG over the last three years, including contributions to the Lewis Punnette Home.

The donations were delivered by JEMS’ local liaison officer Anesia Baptiste, who collaborated with the Ministry of Health to facilitate the distribution of the machines.

SVG AIR facilitated travel to Union Island for the distribution of Nebulizers.

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The members of JEMS are Vincentians who engage in fund raising activities to raise monies for the benefit of the people of SVG.

JEMS has assisted in the areas of food, education, health care and housing since its inception three years ago.

One reply on “JEMS donates nebulizer machines to community clinics”

  1. Peter Binose says:

    Thank you Anesia, this is what you should concentrate on, helping and assisting people.

    Just stay away from politics its not your forte.

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