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The views expressed herein are those of the writer and do not represent the opinions or editorial position of I-Witness News. Opinion pieces can be submitted to [email protected].

ISIS has begun a journey of terror in Iraq, which has resulted in appalling consequences on Christians and other non-Muslim groups in that part of the world. Simply dubbed “the Islamic State”, this group of warriors has murdered numerous Christians and opponents of their religious and political march. The mainstream media and many Muslim clerics want us to believe that ISIS is an extreme terrorist group that has forsaken the tenets of Islam to pursue war against innocent people. This is certainly not true. ISIS is real Islam in action, bearing the same horrible features of the religion Mohammad has left for millions to follow.

Muslims claim the Quran to be their holy book, containing revelations from Allah to Mohammad their prophet.  These “revelations” were used by this “prophet” to justify the slaughter of the non-Muslims in his path.  In Sura 8:12, he wrote that God revealed to angels that he (Allah) will “cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes”.  Angels did no such thing, but Mohammed instructed his followers to cut off the heads of his opponents even after a period of torture.

Ibn Ishaq, a prominent Muslim scholar outlined the events surrounding the murder of one Jewish leader named Kinana Al-Rabi who was conquered by Mohammed in one of his conquests. Kinani was the caretaker of treasures at that time. Mohammed, upon learning this, demanded that he (Kinana) reveal where these treasures are located.  When this Jewish leader refused to tell him, Mohammad ordered that a fire be kindled on Kinana’s chest with flint and steel until her speaks. This torture was not enough for the treasure thirsty Mohammad since Kinana still refused to give the location. Mohammad then ordered that the head of this Jew be chopped off. Hardly different from what occurs today under the rule of ISIS. (Reference:

That beheading is supported by the Quran. In Sura 47:4 (Arberry), the Quran reads:  “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads.” This is a religious practice ISIS has implemented through its many beheadings within the last few months. These severed heads are often displayed publicly to instil terror in the hearts of this Christians and other non-Muslims who reject Islam and its Prophet Mohammad.

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Christians who are physically conquered by Muslims are treated in a horrible manner.  In a television documentary done by VICE NEWS (posted on their website on Aug. 13, 2014) called “The Islamic State” Abu Abdula who is a judge in the Islamic State is quoted as saying the following:

“On 23rd Jan 2014, a pact was made with non-Muslims. It was approved by the Caliph al-Baghdadi, God bless him. Christians asked for this pact, asked for this contract. We met with them in the presents (sic) of representative of the Caliph al-Baghdadi. He offered the chance for them to convert to Islam. If you don’t accept this, you can pay non-Muslim tax, according to the Quran. If you don’t accept this, there is nothing left between us but killing and fighting.”

This is exactly what the Quran commands Muslims with Christians. Christians must convert to Islam and where they refuse to do so they must be humiliated by being forced to pay a non-Muslim tax or be killed. The Quran puts it this way: “Fight those who believe not in God and the Last Day and do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden — such men as practise not the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book — until they pay the tribute out of hand and have been humbled.” (Sura 9:29 Arberry).

Islam teaches its followers to be in perpetual war against those who reject Islam and its Prophet. It conquers nations and spreads its ideals by the sword. One Surah commands that Muslims must kill them “wherever you find them” and ambush them, unless they convert or pay that Muslim imposed tax (Sura 9:5). Convert, or pay tax or die!

The modern Islamic State has been implementing the Quran as it was written and taught by Mohammad many centuries ago. The idea is to establish a border-free Islamic empire engulfing as large an area of the globe as possible. In this State only Islamic law is used and Christians must either convert to Islam, pay Islamic tax or be killed. They have brutally murdered hundreds of non-conformists over the last few months and continue to fight to advance beyond Iraq. In their initial approach into Iraq ISIS sent tens of thousands of the Christian community fleeing for their lives. The brutal images of public executions are all over the television screens and the Internet. Islam is displaying its truest colours yet.

Mohammad is no example for anyone to follow. History records his acts of violence and slaughter of those who did not recognise him and his religion. He would not have condemned ISIS if he were alive to see what it is doing today.

Jesus on the other hand is the real example to follow, for he lived a sin-free life and commanded his disciples not to murder but to preach and teach the gospel to all nations (Matt 28:19,20). He does not use violence to force you to submit to Him. He uses the truth to convince our mind. He bids us to “come unto” Him and “let us reason together” (Isa 1:18). He commands His followers to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matt 5:44).  This is why you must accept Jesus Christ and His religion of true Christianity — the real religion of peace.

Shefflorn Ballantyne

7 replies on “ISIS is real Islam in action”

  1. Shefflorn, but didn’t the Conquistadors and English Explorers come with the sword in one hand and the bible in the other?

    1. My mom when disciplining me allways said “if you see some jumping off a bridge would you do it, knowing that would kill you.

      The Europeans came with ill faith that doesn’t mean we should do it again and again. Is it really that easy to take a life?. Can we not be a change for the next generation.?

      Live your religion but accept the fact that no one will ever stop you from practicing your faith once you live peaceful and legal in your community.

  2. Right on! The so-call extremists represent the true face of Islam. This is why those who support the Hamas attacks on Israel and Israel’s right to defend itself are so misinformed.

  3. Seriously……. are you guys kidding me, you are justifying the beheading of a human being.
    In the society that we call home in this 21st Century where mankind has the ability to chose for themselves.
    1. We can chose to accept or reject a religion.
    2. We can chose to do good or to do evil.
    3. We all can chose weather or not someone lives up to being your friend through their deeds and actiions.
    if someone does not agree with your religion move on and link to like minded people . No one should force anyone to understand another’s faith and religion.
    in the case of this news journalist, after reading his published articles I can safely say he has never offended the Muslims faith and should never have had his life so brutally taken. The fight they claim is was with THE U.S.A. and not with an innocent man who was beheaded. The worse part to all this is that he said he needed to be in Syria to show the world the innocence who were dying everyday.
    Catholicism as we remember brought us the crusades, one of the worst times of war and killing in our history, now is that what we are heading for again.
    2001 I almost lost my life, my kids almost lost their only parent. Many of you interpret the karone for what suits your view of the day, this is wrong and disrespectful to your god. Kidnapping and beheading was never meant to be used in thi narrow minded way. If any group needs a place to express their religion I have a solution buy yourself and island so you can return to the good olds of your prophets. A time without light, water sanityand ill health. Implement islamic law there and leave the other masses alone. The world likes the ability to think and act for ourselves.
    I cannot believe I am still pissed at your notion of beheadig is the right thing to do. That being sad, lets remember the beheading of an innocent young lady at the hands of Mr Samuel, was he right and just in the eyes of the Karone.?

  4. Jeff, I get you but I just thought his article should have given a balanced view that atrocities took place in the name of Christ also.

  5. Shefflorn Ballantyne says:

    Vincent, why should I write about atrocities that took place in the name of Christ also? I have no interest in balance here…my interest in this article is not what the Roman Catholic Papacy did in murdering millions during the dark ages…This is an article on ISLAM…and ISIS. The Papacy, which I also condemn for their murderous existence, is a subject for another discussion. But the Papacy is APOSTATE Christianity. They did not learn to murder from the words of Jesus Christ…but ISIS is practicing the Quran, the book we use to judge what real Islam teaches.

    Central in the theology of Islam is the killing of “infidels” or “unbelievers”…This history of the spread of Islam demonstrates the meaning of Allah’s words in the Quran. ISIS is today what Mohammad’s followers were as they invaded and massacred those who refuse to convert to Islam. They are not EXTREMISTS…they are CONFORMISTS to Islam by the book!

  6. Vincent,you miss the point.Those who commit atrocities in Christ name were not following Him.That is why he said ” Not everyone that saith unto Me .Lord.Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;but he that doeth the will of My father which is in heaven.”On the other hand,the Muslims who are peaceful towards Christians ,Jews,etc are DISOBEDIENT to the teaching of Mohammed and his god, allah.The Koran is a terrorist manual.

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