E.T. Joshua Airport, the main airport in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, had to be closed for several hours earlier this week after a segment of the runway was damaged as a jet took off.
A segment of the runway was damaged when an Amerijet Boeing 727 cargo jet took off on Tuesday.
The airport was then closed as the repairs were conducted, causing some flights to be delayed.
E.T. Joshua Airport is not approved to accommodate passenger aircraft of the type used by Amerijet to service SVG.
The Amerijet aircraft takes off in the direction of the mountains, while passenger aircraft generally take off towards the sea.
The Amerijet aircraft began taking off towards the mountains after a seaward takeoff caused damage to structures close to the end of the airport several years ago.
In May of this year, winds from a WC 130J “Hurricane Hunter” aircraft sent officials and other persons scampering at E.T. Joshua Airport as it blew away a tent and other paraphernalia set up for a ceremony to welcome the crew of the aircraft to the country. (See video below)
The aircraft had earlier aborted its first attempt to land at the airport.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines also has airports on the Grenadine islands of Bequia, Mustique, Canouan and Union Island.
The nation’s first international airport, at Argyle, is expected to be substantially completed by the end of this year, and become operational by mid 2015.
Just a preview of what’s going to happen when the first plane attempts to take off from wind-swept Argyle.
we definitely need that international airport, its so sad that there has been so much negativity with regards to this.
lets hear the comments from the naysayers.
As many people have shown here and elsewhere, there simply is no need for a new airport for three simple reasons: (1) there will never be enough traffic to warrant its construction and operation; (2) the costs of construction and operation will far exceed any spin-off or multiplier economic benefits; and (3) the costs of debt servicing and annual operation will deal a crippling blow to the economy.
The wrong quality black top was laid on the runway in the first place, so don’t blame Amerijet, blame whoever resufaced it with an inferior grade product.
I just hope htey know what grade to use at Argyle.
Oh Asante, you devious little minx you!
I like your sense of humour and irony.
Despite the fact that no one has seen a Business case or ROI or any other analysis of any kind, you still can see the funny side of your great grandchildren being burdened with the cost of this white elephant and laugh away with impunity at your inevitable delivery in to economic ruin.
Loving it!